


"I express my condolences to all the families of the deceased law enforcement officers and the families of citizens who ended up in the zone of action by accident. This is what happened now. We see the tough and absolutely correct appeal of the President of Kazakhstan to the people.

Students, teachers and employees of Al-Farabi KazNU support the correct and legitimate decision of the President. The tragedy of the events of recent days, which simply stunned many, should never be like this. The state heard and promptly resolved a number of issues.

Now we, citizens, must be in solidarity and together solve the pressing problems of our time. We all want to live in peace and tranquility, we need law and order!"

L.S. Akhmetova 

Professor of the Faculty of Journalism of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.



"There are times in the history of the state when the future of the state and the people depends on the determination of the leader of the country. The stream of extremism that seized the country in the first days of the New Year, in which many innocent people suffered, many iconic buildings and places in the cradle of Independence - Almaty, were destroyed, received an exact assessment of the President of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev.

They attacked us, tried to bring us to our knees and destroy the centuries-old achievements and trample on the reputation of the Kazakh people. We are always distinguished by peacefulness and tolerance. We have been teaching this to new generations in schools and universities for years.

In families, we teach to respect the hearth, the elders and take care of the younger ones. Therefore, an attempt to destroy statehood is a serious, terrible lesson that should not be forgotten. It will need to be taught to all of us, and now the most important thing is to support each other."

S.K: Kozybaev is a professor at the Faculty of Journalism of KazNU. al-Farabi



The head of our state absolutely correctly, competently and accurately set priorities in activities aimed at overcoming the crisis situation. In a short time, he mobilized our society both horizontally and vertically, and developed an extremely clear plan of action in an unusual situation, thanks to which he managed to stop the centers of unrest and stop the bloodshed in our society. The special energy and confidence of our President gives us hope that order will prevail in our society.

 S.T. Tuleukhanov 

Professor, Ph.D., Professor A.M. Kustubaeva - Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology KazNU



Dear compatriots!

Dear compatriots! In his address, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemelovich Tokayev assessed the current events in the country, calling on the people to unite and maintain calm. The President expressed confidence that we would come out of this difficult situation as worthy winners. The Kazakh people are one of the most ancient peoples in the world. Throughout its centuries-old development, he won the victory, keeping his honor in the world space. Thanks to the wisdom, unity and courage of our ancestors, vast land and people's wealth was transferred to us, their descendants, as a heritage. In such a difficult period, each of us needs to understand the situation and protect the heritage of our ancestors, thus showing that we are the proud generation of the respected Kazakh people!

Askarbek Kusainov 

laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of KazNU, academician



Dear Kazakhstanis and representatives of the world community, who is interested in the family of Kazakhstan!

Dear Kazakhstanis and representatives of the world community, who is interested in the family of Kazakhstan! As a lawyer, scientist, Kazakhstani and resident of Almaty, I support the position of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokayev! We deserve to live with dignity in a peaceful country, a state of law, where the Law is above all, and the honor and dignity of a person is the highest value! The involvement of the CSTO forces is a necessary measure that emphasizes our desire to protect ourselves, our children from destructive elements and live in a secular country. The current situation showed the existing weaknesses, which was correctly noted in the message of the President. We have a lot of work to do, and I am personally ready to take an active part in the formation of effective legislation!



Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Customs,

financial and environmental law




January 10, 2022 in Kazakhstan is the Day of National Mourning. In the events of the past few days, Kazakhstanis, including children, died and suffered. With pain in my heart, I express my condolences to the families and friends of the victims, to all the people of Kazakhstan.

In the current circumstances, the only way to stabilize the situation in our country is the unity of the people, rallying around President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

Thanks to the decisive actions of the President, the acute phase of the development of events has been removed, but there is still a threat of destructive actions in relation to the citizens of our country, the constitutional order, and the peaceful life of the republic. During this difficult period, Kazakhstan was not left alone with its misfortune.

Fulfilling obligations under the Collective Security Treaty, the protection of strategically important facilities is carried out by a peacekeeping contingent from countries friendly to us.

Dear compatriots, I wish all of us patience, thoughtful words and deeds, cooperation in protecting the interests of our Motherland!

Sagikyzy A.,

  Doctor of Philosophy, Professor



Kazakhstani society is going through one of the most difficult stages in history. The President of the country is taking unprecedented and decisive actions to ensure law and order and normalize the situation in the republic.

Prompt response and assistance from the international community will help us quickly repel extremists and terrorists. We, teachers and students of Al-Farabi KazNU, like the entire civil society, support the measures taken by the President of Kazakhstan, K-Zh. Tokayev.


B.E. Mustafin,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Political Technologies, KazNU