


Terrible days of the beginning of January… What have we, Almaty residents, experienced these days? Of course, a shock. Disbelief that this is happening not somewhere far away, but in your favorite city. We are used to the fact that the most friendly and hospitable people live here, always ready to help.

But what is it?! Shots and explosions were heard in the city, and then we saw terrible pictures: crowds of people armed with sticks and weapons, beating policemen and soldiers, burned buildings, broken windows and surveillance cameras, smashed banks and shops, burned ambulances and firefighters. And pain... Pain for our destroyed, plundered city. For the trampled confidence of the people who came out to a peaceful rally. And tears... Tears along with the relatives of the victims. Tears are interrupted by someone's ruthless hand of life. This should never happen!

But in spite of everything, there was no fear. We did not leave the confidence that all this madness will certainly end soon. The confident, well-thought-out actions and speeches of our President made a particularly strong and vivid impression. His words and the specifically outlined plan for the development of the state gave hope that life will definitely get better and we will live in a renewed and prosperous country. And our beloved city will become even more beautiful!

Faithful city to the land of Kazakhstan,

Our guiding star

Get well soon, our dear

And beloved Alma-Ata!


Dean of the Faculty of Philology,

doctor of philological sciences, professor, member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Djoldasbekova Bayan Umirbekovna





All these days, starting from January 4, we, the residents of Almaty, were worried not only for the future of our native city, but also for the future of all of Kazakhstan.

As you know, on January 2, rallies began in Zhanaozen - peaceful protests against rising gas prices. Then these rallies spread to other cities of Kazakhstan, including Almaty. Unfortunately, in our beloved city of Almaty, these protests, which at first were social in nature, turned into bloodshed. Bloodshed and pogroms that could and should have been avoided.

On the evening of January 4, at about eight o'clock, many protesters gathered in different parts of the city, but without obvious leaders. According to eyewitnesses, at the same time, the police begin to block the passage of cars around the city, and the special forces begin to make the first arrests among the protesters who came out with peaceful demands. In general, the picture of the beginning of a peaceful protest and its continuation with a counter-terrorist operation against the militants does not fit in our minds, namely, how could this happen?

After all, the assembled people at first did not know what to do next. From time to time they chanted: “We support Zhanaozen!”, “Get together!” “Who will speak?”, “Let someone speak!” Such behavior of the protesters spoke of the spontaneity of the speakers. Many expressed their support for President K. Tokayev and demanded eradication of corruption. - The main slogan of the protesters: Let them stop the rise in prices. We are very poor, we have nothing to lose. - In Zhanaozen and Aktau, the authorities started negotiations. Why does no one come to us in Almaty? Why is no one interested in us? “We are ordinary people! We are not terrorists! We have nothing to do with those who set fire and looting, who set fire to the akimat and the presidential residence.

During these days, many shopping centers and ATMs were looted. Cars were on fire in the streets. The country and people have suffered multi-billion dollar losses. Now all this needs to be restored and every effort must be made so that this never happens again. We very much hope that the authorities and the relevant authorities will identify the causes of the "Almaty tragedy" and detain all terrorist militants who killed people, smashed and set fire to public and administrative buildings.

We, Almaty residents, workers in the field of education, express our sincere gratitude to the patriots of our city, who defended the city as best they could, express our deep condolences to the families who suffered the loss.

We express our gratitude to the President of the country for the prompt actions that prevented the "Almaty tragedy" from developing into another large-scale civil conflict.

Associate Professor, Department of Russian Philology and World Literature

H. S. Mukhamadiev


January events


The new year 2022 began with tragic events for our country, the entire multinational people of Kazakhstan and our beloved city of Almaty. No one was prepared for the fact that peaceful rallies would turn into violent confrontation. It is inexplicable, incomprehensible and scary ... A feeling of confusion from which we will not recover for a long time. Lots of questions that haven't been answered yet. And those in power, and analysts, and political scientists, and, of course, we, ordinary Kazakhstanis, have yet to analyze, try to understand what happened. To correct the mistakes made. This should not happen again.

The saddest thing is the death of soldiers who have become forever heroes of their people: sons, brothers, husbands, fathers... Their lives were cut short... Cadets, officers, soldiers. They were and will always be the best.

Guardsmen, policemen, firefighters, soldiers - all those who were injured in an unequal battle with rabid militants, I would like to wish recovery and return home to their families. The people are proud of you. Today, the population of the country especially needs the protection of those who carry out their service day and night. Our gratitude to all representatives of law enforcement agencies is immeasurable.

A low bow to the medical workers who did not stop their rescue mission for a minute under fire and threats, who remained true to their duty and oath.

I would like to say about ordinary people who provided assistance to wounded soldiers, policemen, despite the risk of suffering from the hands or a stray bullet of terrorists.

To our great regret, the lives of ordinary residents of my city are on the conscience of the rampaging militants: young people, teenagers, children... Death came to the families of Almaty residents. In a seemingly peaceful time, people died from bullets fired by the cruel hand of bandits. Deepest condolences to the bereaved families...

My native Almaty, beautiful, kind, cheerful, was plundered, destroyed, several buildings were burned. It is impossible to watch photos, videos of those events without shuddering, pain and indignation.

But the people of Almaty are not broken: social movements, volunteers, caring residents of the city, at the first opportunity, together took up the restoration of the destroyed. “Together, as a single nation, we defended Almaty and other regional centers. In the shortest possible time they will be restored and become even more beautiful. Now this is my personal duty and, naturally, the responsibility of the Government,” said the Head of State K-Zh.K. Tokayev, speaking at a meeting of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We, the generation that grew up in the Soviet Union, in the most terrible moments of the tragic events, hoped for the help of our fraternal countries, their support. And above all, hopes were connected with Russia. Help came, and with it the confidence in the soon successful resolution of the situation.

All these days, the thought has not left: how fragile our relatively calm, peaceful life is, how easy it is to destroy what has been created for decades. It seems that each of us, citizens of sovereign Kazakhstan, should realize our responsibility to the country, the people for the preservation of independence, not be indifferent to what is happening, and unite and support our president. Everyone in his place should make his own contribution to the construction of a new Kazakhstan.


A.K. Akhmedova,

senior teacher of the department of language and

general educational training of foreigners