


Students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University helped to put in order the QAZAQSTAN TV and radio complex, which was badly damaged as a result of a fire and riots in Almaty. Together with active youth and city volunteers, they cleared the building of burnt debris and debris.

Volunteers from among students at the university responded to the call by taking part in the reconstruction of the city. The students got a responsible site - the QAZAQSTAN TV and radio complex, the building without which it is impossible to imagine the architectural appearance of the southern capital.

“We, KazNU volunteers, immediately gathered as soon as we learned that the city needed help. They helped to clean the building from burnt debris, debris, participated in the restoration of the former appearance of the building. I really hope that this will not happen again in our country,” Abzal Aripov, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, said about such an important action.

Commenting on this event, young people said that it is possible to cope with difficulties only through unity and solidarity. Having survived the January events, one must learn to appreciate the peaceful and calm life in the city and country.

“My heart hurts when I see destroyed buildings and damaged streets in Almaty. We are glad to be useful in helping to restore and put our beautiful city in order. I wish peace and tranquility always reign in the country. We must be educated and competitive for the sake of a happy life and well-being of Kazakhstan,” 4th year student Uldana Zhursynali shared her opinion.



Press service of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi