


Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuymebayev held a regular meeting with members of the expert-analytical group. At the meeting, experts made presentations and shared their proposals and recommendations.

During the meeting, Zhanseit Tuymebayev emphasized that after the tragic January events, the experts should work diligently and unitedly. “Scientists, professors of KazNU should not stand aside, but help society build a “New Kazakhstan. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive scientific analysis of the events that took place. Find out the reasons for the January protests. Summing up all the results, clearly and clearly express your proposals and recommendations,” said the rector of the university.

In turn, a member of the expert-analytical group, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Bekzhan Meirbaev shared his recommendations.

“For the development of state policy in the religious sphere, I propose the following: to promote national and spiritual values in the fight against extremism, to ban Salafism at the legislative level, to increase the salaries of young religious scholars working in special centers, to strengthen the mechanism for controlling funds allocated for the fight against terrorism,” - said Bekzhan Meirbaev.

At the end of the meeting, Zhanseit Tuimebaev once again reminded the experts that one should not relax and set specific tasks for them.

events, an expert-analytical group was created. The main task is analysis and monitoring, development of specific proposals and recommendations to state structures, bodies and special services at various levels. The expert groups included authoritative scientists, academicians, professors, associate professors of the university. They are working in 29 areas.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU