


Al-Farabi KazNU was paid an official visit by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States, Mr. Jose Lui Martinez Arnandez. At a meeting with the leadership of the university, the prospects for cooperation between the parties in the field of science, culture and education were discussed.

The welcoming speech was delivered by the acting director. Vice-Rector for Operations K.N. Mukanov. Briefly outlining the achievements of the university, he focused on the history of cooperation with universities in Mexico. Thus, an agreement was signed between KazNU and the National Autonomous University of Mexico on the implementation of joint projects. As part of the collaboration, Professor Hernando Cuivedo participated in the scientific research of the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics and trained five doctoral students of the university. Currently, the university is interested in strengthening ties with universities in Mexico in three areas: nuclear physics, history, medicine and joint publication of books. “Being a peace-loving country, Kazakhstan abandoned nuclear weapons in 1991,” K.N. Mukanov.

“Today we are conducting large-scale scientific research on thermonuclear fusion and are ready to cooperate with our Mexican colleagues in this direction. In addition, our countries have a rich historical past, and we can join forces in the study of history and archeology. The direction of medical research also has great prospects. We will also be happy to participate in the joint publication of books, for this the university has at its disposal a modern, well-equipped printing house and its own publishing house.”

 In turn, thanking for the warm welcome, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States, Mr. José Lui Martinez Arnandez, expressed his readiness to actively promote the development of bilateral relations. He spoke about the activities of the representative office of the National Autonomous University in Madrid, which focuses on the internationalization of education, interacting with the academic community around the world. Briefly familiarizing the participants of the meeting with the main areas of activity (education, scientific research and cultural development), he dwelled in detail on the projects of the university’s own television, aimed at popularizing the work of the legendary director Luis Bunuel, the founder of surrealism in cinema. “We pay great attention to the development of culture,” Mr. Ambassador noted. – Thanks to cooperation with the College of Mexico, a project was implemented - the publication of the history of Mexico in a short form in Hungarian. Currently, the publication of the book in Turkish is in development. We will be happy to support the project for the release of this publication in the Kazakh language on the basis of KazNU.”

In conclusion, the parties came to an agreement on establishing cooperation with the representative office of the National Autonomous University in Madrid, and it was also decided to consider the project of publishing a short course on the history of Mexico in the Kazakh University Publishing House. The parties exchanged memorable souvenirs. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States, Mr. José Lui Martinez Arnandez, presented the university with valuable publications, including a brief history of the country.



Press service of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi