


KazNU hosted the presentation of international certificates of advanced training courses of the Swiss business school Swiss SASEM to teachers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The training took place in three educational programs: “Change Management: Management of Educational Programs, an Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning”, “Strategy for the Development of Commercialization and Creation of Startups at the University”, “Development of a Personal Career of a Teacher: Demand and Competitiveness at the International Level”.

The main goal of advanced training courses is to form a pool of competent teachers-curriculum developers who are able to create competitive educational products and programs. No less important are the tasks: training specialists for the commercialization and development of applied science in a research university, the formation of competencies of competitive personnel capable of bringing value to a modern research university.

Studying on the course, teachers received a number of necessary practical competencies. Namely, they learned how to apply new innovative teaching methods, create roadmaps of competencies and didactics to achieve them, form networking and stakeholder involvement in the development of educational programs. The students mastered the tools for the commercialization of applied scientific developments of the university. Gained skills in promoting commercialization products, talent management as part of an organizational strategy and other personnel management methods. If desired, they will be able to apply these skills in the practice of building an international career, having the opportunity to be competitive in the global labor market.

According to one of the participants in the Personal Career Development course, Aset Kyzdarbekova, during her studies she received valuable knowledge, a lot of new interesting information and practical techniques for building career goals. She has already managed to present many exercises in the classroom with her students.

Contribution to the development of human capital is the most important strategic task of the university. Qualitative training of teachers increases the educational level of the university. On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science, universities during the 2021-2022 academic year must carry out activities to train 20% of teaching staff, administrative and managerial staff. Within KazNU, it is about 1000 people.

The university is successfully moving towards this goal. In the Open office Swiss-SASEM, 120 KazNU employees received international certificates, 25 of which became holders of additional coaching certificates and will train their colleagues.


Press service of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi