


All people face stress in the process of life, but not everyone knows how to behave in such cases and maintain mental health. "Stress" means feeling that life is full of problems and threats. Any stress disrupts a person's activity, his behavior, and leads to a variety of psycho-emotional disorders.

The stress expert Hans Selye wrote: “It is not stress itself that kills us, but our reaction to it.” And he defines stress as an emotional state that occurs in response to all sorts of unfavorable and extreme influences. Stress is a non-specific response to any requirements of the environment, which is the stress of the body, aimed at adapting and overcoming the difficulties that have arisen. Stress goes through stages: anxiety, resistance, exhaustion. If a person does not take control into his own hands, not only himself, but also those around him are destroyed, and there are also negative consequences that affect different aspects of life.

The events that took place in Almaty, the state of emergency in the country from January 5 to 19, 2022, showed the relevance and demand for psychologists and practical psychological assistance to the population, including victims and their families, witnesses and eyewitnesses of the events, doctors, employees of law enforcement agencies, law enforcement and military structures. In order to improve the professional competence of military psychologists, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a republican scientific and methodological seminar for military psychologists of the Armed Forces, which was held on the basis of the Military Institute of the Ground Forces named after S. Nurmagambetov.

According to the organizers, this was their first experience of organizing such a large-scale gathering and training of military psychologists of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the training camp is to develop a unified approach to the organization of psychological work in general, as well as the provision of psychological assistance to military personnel in combat conditions, emergency or crisis events. The emphasis of the event was on increasing the stress resistance of military personnel and training military psychologists in the methods of work associated with psychogenic disorders among personnel caused by combat situation factors.

More than 200 psychologists of the Armed Forces took part in the event under the leadership of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff - Head of the Department of Educational and Ideological Work, Major General Serik Burambaev. As part of the project "We are near!" teachers of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi took an active part and held master classes, trainings on the general topic: "Stress resistance and psychological competence of military personnel."

Topics of workshops and trainings:

1. "Emergency psychological assistance: principles of work"; "Emotional state and resource capacity of a specialist" (Kabakova M.P. - Ph.D. in psychology, acting professor)

2. "Psychological stability of the individual in a stressful situation." "Express diagnostics of stress resistance and psychocorrection of the emotional state" (Sadvakasova Z.M. - Ph.D., associate professor)

3. "Post-traumatic stress disorders" (Kudaibergenova S.K. - Ph.D. in Psychology, Acting Associate Professor)

4. "The value of the meaning of life" (Tlenchieva N.S. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor)

5. "Psychological methods and techniques for overcoming emotional stress" (Sailinova K.K. - Master of Psychology, senior lecturer)

6. "Peculiarities of the activity of a psychologist in the prevention of suicidal incidents" (Kalymbetova E.K. - Ph.D., associate professor)


Psychologists of KazNU trained military psychologists in methods and techniques for developing psychological stability and stress resistance of a person;

- showed the methods of psychological assistance to persons who have experienced psycho-traumatic events (according to the factor of time elapsed since the tragic event), namely 1) during the event and in the near future after it (work with primary maladaptive reactions to the event); 2) at remote stages (work with trauma, PTSD);

- reminded / taught military psychologists the methods of self-regulation and self-healing of psycho-emotional, information-energy, spiritual and physical forces, without which it is impossible to help others;

- acquainted with modern approaches to identifying risk groups and express diagnostics of stress resistance;

- talked about the importance of the meaning of life and the prevention of suicidal behavior.

The participants of the seminar exchanged experience, during the trainings they practiced the methods of psychological self-regulation in stressful situations, the provision of psychological assistance in combat conditions and the psychological rehabilitation of military personnel.

Cognitive baggage, a culture of resistance to stress and the right choice of behavior contribute to a faster elimination of stressful factors, reduce anxiety, improve mental and physical health, and restore working capacity. When coping with stress, self-confidence, one's own resources appear, self-esteem increases and the inner harmony of a person is restored, this leads to life satisfaction and personal development.






acting professor

teachers of the department of general and

Applied Psychology KazNU