
"Green" initiatives of KazNU


Environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity, irrational use of natural resources are those acute and urgent problems that are on the agenda of all countries of the world, and Kazakhstan is no exception. The national project "Zhasyl Kazakhstan" is aimed at creating a favorable living environment for the inhabitants of the country and improving the environmental situation.

The main directions of the project are "Taza Kazakhstan", "Economic Kazakhstan", "Nature", "The Future of Ecology". As part of these areas, it is planned to implement measures to improve the quality of atmospheric air, waste management and preserve the ecosystems of the country's water bodies. In addition, the goals of the project are to achieve sustainable use of natural resources, preserve biodiversity and develop specially protected natural areas, as well as increase the level of environmental education and culture of the population.

The leading forge of highly qualified personnel, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which has the status of a UN global hub for sustainable development and a green university, plays an important role in achieving the goals of the national project "Zhasyl Kazakhstan ''. On the basis of the university, in order to promote and develop the green economy, there is a center of "green" technologies, which is a demonstration of existing innovative projects in the field of "green" energy. On the basis of the center there is a laboratory of micro clonal reproduction "Plant Factory ''. The technologies used in this laboratory make it possible to produce environmentally friendly food products in conditions of scarcity of resources with minimal water and electricity consumption, which significantly increases the economic efficiency of production.

In the structure of KazNU, there is a UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development. The activity of this division is focused on the implementation of projects in the field of education and science aimed at the implementation of "green" initiatives for energy and resource saving, incl. rational use of water resources, renewable energy technologies and environmental protection.

"Green" initiatives of KazNU, aimed at achieving the goals of the national project "Zhasyl Kazakhstan", are reflected in the international rating "UI Green Metric". As part of this ranking, the achievements of the world's universities in the field of "green" initiatives and their contribution to combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions are assessed. KazNU in 2021 took 212th place out of 956 universities in the world, which indicates a significant contribution of the university to achieving the goals of the Zhasyl Kazakhstan project.

Achieving the goals of the Zhasyl Kazakhstan project cannot be achieved without proper training in the field of green economy. KazNU treated this issue with full responsibility. The training of specialists in sustainable development and the "green" economy is carried out in close integration with the MDP "Global Classroom" center, opened jointly with Columbia University.

The Department of Business Technologies of the Higher School of Economics and Business also contributes to the implementation of the Zhasyl Kazakhstan project. The department conducts educational activities on the theme of the "green" economy, the ecological thinking of the younger generation is formed.

In general, the university takes an active part in achieving the goals of the national project "Zhasyl Kazakhstan" both at the fundamental research level and at the practical level. Scientific research is being carried out in the field of the "green" economy, a center of "green" technologies, an energy-efficient laboratory for the production of environmentally friendly food are operating. The UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development and the MDP “Global Classroom” are actively involved in the training of personnel in the field of the “green” economy. KazNU as one of the leading universities in Central Asia and the Global Hub of the UN Sustainable Development Program will continue to implement measures to achieve the goals of the national project "Zhasyl Kazakhstan".




teachers of the department

"Business Technology"