


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was visited by a delegation of the European Parliament. The guests of honor met with scientists, representatives of the faculty and students of the university.

Representatives of the European Parliament visited the Al-Farabi Museum, where they got acquainted with the history of the university. Also, the guests were told about the activities of the Ban Ki-moon Institute at KazNU, and showed a layout plan for the development of the educational institution.

The delegation of the European Parliament included: First Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation to the RoK-EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, 3rd Vice-President of the EP Committee on Transport and Tourism Andris Ameriks (Latvia), Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan Kestutis Jankauskas, Member Delegation of the European Parliament to the RoK-EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, Member of the EP Foreign Affairs Committee Francisco Millan-Mon (Spain), etc.

Chairman of the Board Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuymebayev addressed the guests with a welcoming speech. He noted that since 2010 Kazakhstan has been a member of the Bologna Process and has the status of a member of the European Higher Education Area. It is currently the Co-Chair country of the Bologna Process Steering Group. KazNU cooperates with more than 500 top and leading universities in the world, is a member of many major international organizations and has a wide range of educational programs and research areas. 16 double degree educational programs are implemented jointly with universities from 10 member countries of the European Union. 8 faculties of KazNU cooperate with 13 partner universities from the countries of the European Union. At the university, 92 educational programs are implemented in English.

As the Global Hub of the United Nations Academic Impact Program for Sustainability, the university has been working purposefully for four consecutive terms to raise the level of scientific and educational programs through the internationalization of faculty.

KazNU successfully operates centers for cooperation with individual European countries. “We are fully interested in the issues of integration and development of international cultural and educational cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union. Thus, KazNU contributes to cooperation with European countries in the development of scientific research,” the rector of the university summed up in his speech.

In response, Andris Ameriks, First Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation to the RoK-EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, 3rd Vice-Chairman of the EP Committee on Transport and Tourism, said: “We come from different countries, but we are all Europeans. Together we go through unique processes from unity to diversity, we have a common identity. We are here to share the long history of European nations and bring the principles of the European Union to Kazakhstan. We would like to wish all the best to your wonderful country, which was able to overcome the main difficulties, despite the difficult geopolitical context. We hope that your country will promote intercultural dialogue and support for human rights, which play an important role in civil society.”

Francisco Millan-Mon, member of the European Parliament Delegation to the RK-EU Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, thanked those present, especially the youth, for their interest in the activities of the European Parliament. He noted in his speech the timeliness of the reforms initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K-Zh. Tokaev, and also highly appreciated the achievements of KazNU. “The university was able to preserve the legacy of Al-Farabi and at the same time confidently look to the future and work on digitalization. You have connections with international universities and you talk about the principles of European civilization and the values ​​of the UN. I would like to wish great success to the university, which is well known not only in Central Asia, but also in the EU countries,” the honored guest concluded his speech.

Also, the event was attended by the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aigul Kuspan, who in her speech thanked for the interest shown in the work of the European Union.

During the meeting, representatives of student youth asked questions to members of the delegation, having received meaningful answers from the speakers. At the end, the guests of honor took part in a memorable photo shoot.


Press service of KazNU named after Al-Farabi