
30 years of Kazakh diplomacy


The International scientific-practical conference "Thirty years of foreign policy and diplomacy of sovereign Kazakhstan: achievements, challenges, and prospects" started at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The large-scale event coincided with the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's diplomacy is dedicated to the scientific analysis, discussion of Kazakhstan's foreign policy directions, determination of Kazakhstan's perspectives in modern international relations, its place, and role in the security, economic, and civilization processes.

The plenary session was attended by the Deputy Head of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Almaty Mr. Ruslan Karabulov, UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan Ms. Michaela Friberg-Stori, renowned experts in the sphere of international relations, representatives of foreign policy agencies (MFA RK, RK Parliament, MFA RK, etc.), diplomatic missions, national and foreign researchers, university professors and lecturers.

In his welcoming video message, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, underlined: "Over the years of independence Kazakhstan has managed to create an effective model of foreign policy based on the principle of multi-vectors, pragmatism, and national interests. To date, diplomatic relations have been established with 186 countries. Cooperation with key foreign partners continues. Dialogue with Central Asian countries is being intensified, and close attention is paid to international security issues. I warmly congratulate you on the anniversary of Kazakhstan's diplomacy! And I wish you fruitful work!

 Ruslan Karabulov, Deputy Head of Mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, in his speech on behalf of the Mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Almaty, expressed special gratitude to the leadership of KazNU for the ongoing cooperation and special contribution of the alma mater to training for the foreign ministry. "Kazakhstan is an absolute leader in the Central Asian region in terms of attracting investment and the volume of the economy," the Speaker said. - Our country is a driving force in the integration processes in the Eurasian space, it has chaired many international organizations, hosted the OSCE Summit in 2010, and initiated the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the Universal Declaration on a nuclear-free world. Today Kazakhstan is perceived by the international community as a predictable and reliable partner, largely thanks to the efforts of veterans of the diplomatic service. At the end of his speech, Ruslan Karabulov congratulated all those present on the approaching 30th anniversary of diplomacy and expressed the hope that "our country will be able to offer new topical initiatives contributing to the formation of a renewed system of international relations.

UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan Michaela Friberg-Story in her speech recalled that the education of youth, who are building a bright future, is the foundation of the UN's mission.  In this regard, praising the work done at KazNU, she noted, "As the UN Global Hub for Sustainable Development, you are greatly assisting students in achieving their goals. This will contribute to the further development of Kazakhstan and the region."

"Today's conference is extremely important and relevant," the expert added. - The global pandemic and geopolitical conditions have led Europe to an emigration crisis not seen since the Second World War. Now, logistics have been affected worldwide, the prices of transport, energy, important and necessary things have risen sharply. Today, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals becomes even more challenging. But we must strive for a brighter future, and for this, we all need knowledge and new ideas", she emphasized.

The plenary session was also addressed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United States of America Yerzhan Ashikbayev, Ambassador of the European Union to Kazakhstan Kęstutis Jankauskas, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Almaty Jiang Wei, Consul General of the French Republic in Kazakhstan Alexis Shaktahtinsky, Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan Erkin Tukumov and others.

The participants of the forum watched with interest the video film "30 years of cooperation of Kazakhstan-UN: the role of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the promotion of sustainable cooperation". The conference continued in breakout sessions.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University