


Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with the faculty and staff and presented the reconstruction plan of the university. He also listened to the proposals of the staff and answered questions of interest.


 "After meeting with the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, I want to bring to your attention the tasks set by the President", - began speech the head of the university. Noting that in 2024 KazNU will celebrate its 90th anniversary, he focused on the work done.

The main event of the last year was a double increase in wages of KazNU employees.

Leadership lectures were organized at the university with the participation of the 11th president of Turkey Abdullah Gul, as well as state and public figures. A delegation of KazNU professors underwent advanced training at Akdeniz University, one of the largest universities in Turkey.

For the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a gift to graduates was erected a stele with a clock "Mangilik El". Opened an alley of trees, "Garden of Elbasy," "Garden of Scientists, planted about 1000 Crimean pines, Altaic fir trees, and fruit trees of apple Sivers, cherry, plum.

A delegation of the European Parliament visited KazNU for a special visit. An agreement on opening a branch of the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute was concluded on the basis of KazNU in September. At present, the work on the opening of the branch of KazNU is being completed in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan. Conducted repair of academic buildings, classrooms, and dormitories.

The head of the institution listed other important work carried out during the year and drew attention to the accumulated problems.  "More than 30 years have passed since the commissioning of the dormitories. The level of comfort in the student dormitories is low, the premises are worn out and require repair. The university needs 12 thousand additional places to provide students in need with dormitories," said the rector. And the construction of the modern types of hostels will provide students with accommodation.

Zhanseit Tuimebayev also noted that physically and morally obsolete academic buildings of the university do not meet modern requirements for design and content. Engineering networks and communications are worn out, so it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul of academic buildings.

The university has 18 academic and laboratory buildings, in which faculties and scientific departments are located. A number of departments were built in the 1950s and are located far from the main campus. These conditions create educational disparities among students studying in different departments of the same university. In addition, the high level of internationalization indicates a large number of international faculty, students, and delegations. Consequently, the project calls for the construction of new academic buildings for six faculties.

Also to date, more than two thousand faculty and staff members of the university are in need of housing. "In order to retain staff, attract and support young talented professionals it is necessary to build service housing. The implementation of this proposal will significantly improve the level and quality of life of teachers and specialists of the university, "- said the rector.

At the end of his speech Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted the support of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the implementation of KazNU's reconstruction plan. In addition, the President gave a number of instructions aimed at forming a collective immunity and humanistic education in the university, so that in today's society basic human values remain a priority.


In addition, by 2024, the university will launch more than 650 scientific projects in promising areas of scientific and technological development in the country. The transformation of the results of scientific projects into the real economy will be carried out through the creation of about 20 spin-off companies. The head of the university stressed that there is a lot of work ahead, and bright goals and urged the team to work cohesively.

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the faculty of the university gladly accepted the modernization plan of KazNU, and shared their views and suggestions.
Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University