


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Judiciary and Law Enforcement Agencies of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan to discuss judicial reforms and ways to improve legal education in the country. The representatives of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation of the Senate of the RK, many of whom are graduates of the University, visited the Centre of situational management, the Higher School of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Law and met with the faculty and students.

During the meeting the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, welcomed the participants and stressed the importance of reforms aimed at building democracy, which is now being implemented in all spheres of state life. In his turn, Vladimir Volkov, Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Judiciary and Law Enforcement Bodies, in his speech thanked his native university, the graduate of which he is, for organizing the meeting.

At the meeting of the Committee on the constitutional legislation, judicial system, and law enforcement bodies Vladimir Volkov noted the need to modernize the system of legal education, which is stated in the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030. The Committee conducted an analysis and collected proposals aimed at improving the quality of legal education from universities in the country and the legal community, which require a comprehensive solution, including at the legislative level. "The work on profiling of universities, return of non-core and unclaimed licenses, strengthening of qualification requirements in the field of "Law", reduction of educational institutions with low quality of education is going on. We will continue working in this direction," he emphasized.

Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov made a report, which contained an analysis of the state of legal education in the country and measures for its improvement. Thus, according to the speaker, in the direction of the profile of universities a number of measures have been taken, including strengthening qualification requirements for teachers of universities, expanding the register of educational programs to include innovative, such as digital forensics, combating criminal offenses in IT, the right of a green economy with knowledge of two foreign languages, etc. Among the measures aimed at modernizing legal education, the Minister presented the development of a draft industry qualification framework and professional standard "Lawyer", the actualization of educational programs, and mandatory involvement of sectoral government bodies (Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, GP, Supreme Court) and employers in training personnel, etc.

Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev in his speech told about the way of lawyers training at the university for almost 70 years. "During these years at the faculty of law, an integral educational and scientific ecosystem was formed. More than 30 thousand specialists have graduated," said the Head of the University. - At present about 20 educational programs in Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral studies are carried out in the field of Law, which passed accreditation in agencies such as ASIIN, AQUIN, AQA, FIBAA, and NAAR. This year the Jurisprudence program has been ranked in the top 151-200 in the QS world rankings by Subject at all levels: Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctorate. Despite the achievements, we are aimed at further modernization of legal education, taking into account modern requirements and realities of the social and legal life of the state".

Within the framework of necessary measures for modernization of legal education the head of the University Zhanseit Tuimebaev proposed to develop and implement in the education system and legal profession professional standards in the direction of "law", a multi-level system of legal training, to introduce continuous practice for 3rd and 4th-year students in the educational programs, to implement professional Masters and Ph.D. programs by the example of foreign countries, etc.

The following other speakers also addressed the meeting: Timur Suleimenov, Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies, and Rector of KAZGYU named after M.A. Abdykulov, President of the South Kazakhstan State University of Justice.Rector of the Academy of Law-Enforcement Agencies Timur Suleimenov, Rector of KAZGYU named after M. M. S. Narikbayev Sergey Pen, Rector of D. Kunayev Eurasian Law Academy, Doctor of Law, Professor Omirali Jalairi, Vice-rector on academic affairs of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Erkin Ongarbayev, Dean of the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Daulet Baydeldinov and others.
During the fruitful working meeting, the reports of the speakers were discussed and constructive suggestions were made by the participants.
Al-Farabi KazNU Press Service