
KazNU awarded a scholarship named after Yerbol Shaimerdenov


The Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a scientific and methodological conference in the framework of traditional "Shaymerdenov readings", dedicated to the work of a public figure, a prominent symbolism, one of the founders of public relations in Kazakhstan, a writer, and publicist Yerbol Shaymerdenov.

The event was attended by: Arman Kyrykbaev, Deputy Akim of Almaty, Kulash Kairzhankyzy, the wife of E. ShaimerdenovKanatbek Mukanov, Acting Pro-Rector of Kazakh National University, Kaynar Olzhai, honored worker of Kazakhstan, TV journalist, professor and writer Kaken Kamzin, famous writers and poets, public figures, scientists, media representatives, professors and students.
In his welcome speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism Sansyzbay Madiev thanked everyone present for attending the event and spoke about the peculiarities of the current conference. Deputy Akim of Almaty Arman Kyrykbayev was the first to speak. "We cooperated with Yerbol Shaimerdenov. He was kind, responsive, a man with a capital letter and always supported the youth. He held responsible positions in the administration of the President, the Parliament of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Information, in the Supreme Soviet he was the press secretary, and he was distinguished by his responsibility, culture, qualification, and knowledge. And wherever he worked, he was always a true patriot and a role model", - Arman Kyrykbaev shared and read a special letter from the Akim of Almaty, wishing him success at the conference.
Speaking at the event, the journalist, the winner of the State youth award "Daryn", member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan Bekzhan Ashirbaev told about the work and activity of Yerbol Shaymerdenov and his contribution to the development of the country. During the scientific and methodological conference "World and national PR: social significance and necessity of specialist training" the colleagues and contemporaries, fellow students of Yerbol Shaimerdenov told about the merits of the outstanding personality in the country's culture, media development, linguistic sphere and shared their memories.
During the conference, students learned about the example of deep knowledge and responsibility passed through the writer and publicist and the instructive life of the famous statesman.
At the end of the conference, the wife of the writer Kulyash Shaimerdenov awarded 14 best students with scholarships named after E. Shaimerdenov according to the results of a creative competition among students and young scientists of the Faculty of Journalism.
Al-Farabi Press Service