
The East in global policy


At the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi was held a public lecture of well-known political scientist Ph.D., professor, chief researcher of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies Laumulin M.T. on "The East in global politics."

Scientist focused on issues such as: East-West especially the socio-political structure and dynamics of political processes, trends shaping the global system of relations and world politics, the place of the East in this system, the East and West: trends and contradictions of the dynamics of socio-economic development; East and current global challenges, the Islamic East and the problems of global and regional security, the East and the "new" Global Challenges: separatism, terrorism, drug trafficking and inter-civilization conflicts. The lecture was kindled the audience great interest, as evidenced by the large number of issues and debate on specific issues. M.T. Laumulin gave to faculty’s library his last books published in Kazakhstan and abroad, such as, “Центральная Азия в зарубежной политологии и мировой геoполитике” in 5 volumes, “Геополитические процессы в исламском мире”, “The Kazakhs children of the steppes” and etc.