


The Faculty of Physics and Technology is now the center of the Physics and Technology cluster.

Under the guidance of highly qualified teaching staff, talented students receive fundamental education in three languages, Kazakh, Russian and English. In addition, provided courses are focused on research of topical issues of modern physics and technology within established scientific schools.

The Faculty of Physics and Technology is the leader of higher education in the republic in its field; professors and students annually publish scientific articles in the world's leading journals, the number of inventions, patents and copyright certificates is gradually increasing.



Bachelor's degree

B054 – Physics

6B05304 – Physics

6B05306 – Physics and Astronomy

6B05305 – Physics and Nanotechnology

6B05303 – Technical Physics

6B05307 – Nuclear Physics

6B05302 – Cyber Physics

6B05310 – Nuclear Medicine

B059 – Communications and communication technologies

6B06201 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

B061 – Materials Science and Technology

6B07105 – Materials science and technology of new materials

B063 – Electrical engineering and automation

6B07109 – Industrial electronics and control systems

B062 – Electrical engineering and power engineering

6B07112 – Thermal power engineering

6B07107 – Electric power industry

B076 – Standardization, certification and Metrology (by industry)

6B07501 – Standardization and certification (by industry) 


Master's degree

M011 – Training of physics teachers (Kazakh, Russian, English)

7M01501 – Physics

M090 – Physics

7M05308 – Physics

7M05303 – Physics (RUDN)

7M05315 – Plasma Physics (MEPhI)

7M05310 – Physics and Astronomy

7M05304 – Technical Physics

7M05305 – Technical Physics (TPU)

7M05306 – Technical Physics (ITMO)

7M05312 – Nuclear Physics

7M05311 – Nuclear Medicine

7M05317 – Nuclear Medicine (MEPhI)

7M05316 – Theoretical Nuclear Physics (MEPhI)

M096 – Communications and communication technologies

7M06201 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

M098 – Thermal power engineering

7M07109 – Thermal power engineering

7M07110 – Thermal Power Engineering (SUSU)

7M07130 – Thermal Power Engineering (MEPhI)

M099 – Power engineering and electrical engineering

7M07112 – Electric power industry

7M07111 – Management in the Electric power industry (MEI)

7M07124 – Solar energy

M101 – Materials science and technology of new materials

7M07116 – Materials science and technology of new materials

7M07123 – Materials Science and Technology of New Materials (MEPhI)

M108 – Nanomaterials and nanotechnology (by application)

7M07120 – Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

M100 – Automation and control

7M07125 – Electronics and control systems

M130 – Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)

7M07501 – Standardization and certification (by industry)

7M07502 – Standardization and Certification (ITMO)

7M07503 – Metrology 

PhD doctorate

D011 – Training of physics teachers

8D01501 – Physics

D090 – Physics

8D05306 – Physics

8D05307 – Physics and Astronomy

8D05303 – Technical Physics

8D05310 – Technical Physics (ITMO)

8D05308 – Nuclear Physics

8D05309 – Nuclear Medicine

D096 – Communications and communication technologies

8D06201 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

D098 – Thermal power engineering

8D07106 – Thermal power engineering

D099 – Power engineering and electrical engineering

8D07108 – Electric power industry

D101 – Materials science and technology of new materials

8D07110 – Materials science and technology of new materials

D108 – Nanomaterials and nanotechnology

8D07112 – Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

D130 – Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)

8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)