


The Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies was launched in 1934. Currently, the faculty has more than 1,560 students in 33 specialties and three levels of training.

All educational programs accredited by the ASIIN international agency are upgraded annually taking into account the needs of the labor market, which trains in-demand specialists for industry. The faculty consists of six enlarged departments integrated with three research institutes, and has a material and technical base for conducting scientific research. The first year students are widely involved in the system of educational and research work under the guidance of scientists of the faculty, including more than 50 doctors of sciences, 100 candidates of sciences and PhD doctors. Graduates of the faculty successfully work at enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, pharmaceutical industries and research organizations.


Bachelor's degree

6B05053 – Physical and Chemical Sciences

B053 – Chemistry

6B05301 – Chemistry

6B05311 – Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry

6B05312 – Chemical expertise and analytical control of production

6B071 – Engineering and Engineering

B060 – Chemical Engineering and Processes

6B07102 – Chemical Engineering

6B07103 – Chemical technology of inorganic substances

6B07104 – Chemical technology of organic substances

6B072 – Manufacturing and processing industries

B072 – Pharmaceutical production technology

6B07201 – Pharmaceutical production technology

6B07203 – Pharmaceutical Production Technology (joint educational program with UCMA)

B068 – Food production

6B07202 – Food chemistry and technology in English

6B07204 – Food chemistry and technology 


Master's degree

7M015 – Training of teachers in natural science subjects

M013 – Training of chemistry teachers

7M01503 – Chemistry

7M053 – Physical and Chemical Sciences

M089 – Chemistry

7M05301 – Chemistry

7M05302 – Chemistry (Double degree program with Belgorod State University, Russia)

7M05318 – Chemical Physics (Double Degree program with MEPhI, Russia)

7M05320 – Chemical Physics

7M05319 – Chemical Materials Science (Double Degree program from Moscow State University, Russia)


PhD doctorate

D089 – Chemistry

8D05301 – Chemistry

D097 – Chemical Engineering and Processes

8D07101 – Petrochemicals

8D07102 – Chemical Engineering

8D07103 – Chemical technology of explosives and pyrotechnics

8D07104 – Chemical technology of inorganic substances

8D07105 – Chemical technology of organic substances

D108 – Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in chemistry

8D07113 – Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in chemistry.