


A pilot educational program of applied Bachelor's degree in Data Engineering is launched for the first time at the Faculty of Information Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The program is aimed to train highly qualified specialists in the field of data engineering who will be in demand in the labor market.

Applicants with a general secondary education can be enrolled based on the results of exams in the subjects "Mathematics" and "Computer Science". The UNT certificate is not required. For applicants who already gained technical and professional education, it is enough to pass an interview.

The great advantage of the program is a practice-oriented schedule. Students will be able to acquire skills in solving technological problems in various socio-economic spheres. The educational process also includes unique courses from the guru of Data Engineering. More than 30% of the time training is conducted in IT companies.

After receiving a diploma, graduates will be able to work in rapidly developing field, obtaining professions such as Data engineer, Big Data engineer, BI analyst, Data scientist, database developer. The duration of the program is 3 years for high school graduates, 2 years for college graduates.

Data Engineering is one of the most in-demand and highly paid specialties in Kazakhstan. According to research of, in 2021 the monthly salary of a Data specialist was estimated at more than 600,000 KZT.

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University