


At the regular session of the Academic Council, the Program of Transformation of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University into a research university for the 2022-2023 academic year was discussed, proposing specific measures for its implementation.

Opening the meeting, Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al–Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev stressed the importance of the strategic tasks to implement the program of transformation into a research university. "Preparations for the new academic year are in full progress. It is necessary to focus on solving the primary tasks to update long-term goals. Today's meeting will be dedicated to this," the head of the university mentioned.

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Urmashev Baidaulet presented a plan for the implementation of the development strategy of the Faculty. The plan contains such goals as increasing the contribution of science to the socio-economic development of the country and the integration of scientific activity with the educational process. In order to achieve these goals the following activities are required: an increase of educational programs in which representatives of the real sector and business are involved in the educational process; the implementation of scientific projects jointly with local research organizations, conducting advanced research in the IT field and related fields.

The speech of Assel Uvalieva, a member of the Management Board, Vice-Rector for Operations, was devoted to the topic of creation of a corporate governance model to ensure the sustainable development of the university. To achieve this goal, a number of measures are to be implemented, including: increasing the share of teaching staff, students and employees involved in the corporate governance system, who have completed professional development courses at the university and third-party organizations using digital data management; opening of branches of the university abroad.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Zhanna Kalmataeva reported on the main directions and activities for the implementation of the Program 2022-2023. The main goals are the following: to enter the top-5 positions of the rating among organizations of medical education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, to develop partnerships with the world's leading universities of the profile.

The members of the Academic Council actively participated in the discussion of the reports and made valuable suggestions on the implementation of the Transformation Program of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University into a research university for the 2022-2023 academic year.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University