


Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA). The honored guests visited the Student Service Center "Keremet" and got acquainted with the plan of the second stage of the construction of the KazNU campus.

At the meeting the parties discussed the issues of further joint implementation of large-scale projects. The delegation included deputies of the Main National Assembly of Turkey Recep Şuger and Yüksel Özkan , an employee of the Department of International Relations and Protocol Nuri Aivaz, Secretary of the Commission Yener Yildirim and communications officer Tahmina Bakieva.


The rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev presented the achievements and future plans of KazNU. In addition, he noted that systematic work is underway to transform the educational institution into a world research university.


"Interstate cooperation of the Turkic-speaking states is currently developing. At the same time the connection with the fraternal country as Turkey has reached a qualitatively new level. Currently Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is among the top 150 best universities in the QS world ranking. We have concluded 31 cooperation agreements with more than 20 universities in Turkey. Within the framework of bilateral agreements over the past two years about 200 students and 88 members of the teaching of KazNU have attended various events of Turkish universities and participate in joint scientific researches. This academic year the branches of KazNU have started operating in Istanbul and the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek. The work on the development of the integration of science and education between the Turkic states will continue," Zhanseit Tuimebayev announced.


In turn, Deputy of the Main National Assembly of Turkey Recep Şuger thanked Zhanseit Tuimebayev for the warm welcome and highly appreciated the achievements of the KazNU. In his speech, he noted the strategic importance of strengthening cooperation between the Turkic countries. "Kazakhstan occupies a very crucial dimension. Since gaining independence, strong friendly relations have been developing between two countries. In this regard, we are always open to new areas of partnership," the guest stated.


At the end of the meeting the parties exchanged gifts and took pictures for memory.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University