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Was held a meeting with Yacek Klyuchkevski Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic
10/20/2011October 19th, 2011at the Facultyof International Relationsin KazNU named after Al-Farabi was held a meetingwith YacekKlyuchkevski ExtraordinaryandPlenipotentiary Ambassador ofthe Republic of Polandin the Republic ofKazakhstanand the Kyrgyz Republic. The Ambassador'shour was organizedbyDiplomaticclub "Talleyrand."
At the beginning ofthe meeting, Mr.Ambassadorbriefly described the statehoodof Poland,fightof poles for their independence,as well as currentpolitical and economic situation of PolandinEurope andon the world stage, the evolution ofrelations between Kazakhstanand Poland in theeconomic sphere to thestudents.
During the meeting,Dean of theFaculty of International Relationsput forwarda offering to createin the futurePolishInformation Resource Centerwith the assistance ofthe Embassy of Poland on the faculty,which couldsupervise activities of students wishingto learn the language, history and cultureof the Polish people, andwould carry outa variety ofeducational programsfor academicexchange for the students.
The participantshad theopportunity to asktheir questionsfrom the Ambassador, where the teaching staffof the faculty took an active part. Candidate of Historical Sciences S. Zh. Sapanovaskedabout the possibility of researchin the archivesof Polandconcerning to M.Shokay's activity. Also,S.J.Sapanovwas interested inthe energy componentof the economyof Poland from the perspective oftheirEU presidency. The faculty's Coryphaeus, ProfessorK.K.Kozhakhmetovraised the Eastern Question andthe issue of relationsof Poland withBelarus, Moldova,Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
At the end ofthe meeting the Ambassadorpromised to supportall of the above proposals by the polish sideduring the visit ofPresident of Kazakhstanto Polandthis year.
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