The department of International Relationsof the Al-Farabi Kazakh National Universitytogether with the "Al-Farabi Carnegie"scientific andeducational projectfor Central Asia held a roundtable "The 20th anniversary of independence of the Republicof Kazakhstan:Achievements and Challenges" in October 22, 2011.
Roundtableheldon the base of International Relations department by the active support of the Institute ofParliamentarismof Public DemocraticParty "NurOtan"and was dedicatedto the opening start of "Al-Farabi Carnegie"scientific andeducational project for Central Asia.
The aim ofthe project is to promotean open dialoguebetween educational and research institutions, political institutions, businessleaders, the governments of Kazakhstan, Central Asian statesand the international communityon a wide rangeof issues of regionaland international security,nonproliferation policy,regional economy and trade,environment and energy.
The round tablewas attended byrepresentatives of the party"Nur Otan",leading Kazakhand foreignexperts andraiseda widerange of urgent and important issues.
Press center of KazNU