
Invite you to participate in intercollegiate festival of educational ideas "Diagnosis of technologies in teaching languages"


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Department of language and educational training of foreigners Invite you to participate in intercollegiate festival of educational ideas "Diagnosis of technologies in teaching languages", which will be held on February 15, 2012.

There will be held the round table, methodological seminar, master classes on topical issues and latest trends in learning Russian and Kazakh language as a foreign language in high schools, the integration of Kazakhstan into the European system level descriptions for Languages and system testing; problems of training aspects of the language and type of speech activities.
The discussions will debate the following matters:

1. The main difficulties in teaching foreigners Russian and Kazakh phonetics, grammar and vocabulary of the early and middle stages.

2. Young teachers` problems in teaching Russian and Kazakh languages.

3. Problems of language and socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Kazakh universities.

4. Problems of professionally-oriented courses in teaching Russian and Kazakh as foreign language.

5. Forms of controlling tests. Lingvodidaktical tests in the learning process in teaching foreign students.

6. Business-and Russian-Kazakh business formation and competence of business.

7. Learning, reading and listening materials of mass-media.

8. Implementation practice of certification testing Russian and Kazakh as foreign languages in Kazakhstan's higher education.

9. Methods of teaching Russian language: problems of integration and coordination.

10. Requirements for programs and textbooks of Russian and Kazakh languages ​​as foreign.

Theme of the round table is «Verbs: What? How? When?!
The festival program includes a presentation of teaching materials developed by our teachers.

Applications for participation in Festival and Round Table should be sent before January 10, 2012 on e-mail: (Ihsangalieva Gulnara Kuanyshevna).