



A delegation chaired by the Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Turkey Metin Kiratli visited the Al-Farabi KazNU. The honored guests got acquainted with the Al-Farabi library and innovative projects developed by university scientists, as well as with the plan for the construction of the 2nd stage of the new campus. During the visit, the diplomat Metin Kiratli gave a leadership lecture to teaching and students.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Board – Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev. The head of the University drew attention to the importance of relations between two states, stressing that KazNU is in close cooperation with Turkish partners.


"Currently, KazNU is the only university that has taken the 150th place in the QS world ranking and entered the top-150 best universities in the Turkic world. Founded in 1934, KazNU today cooperates with more than 500 leading universities in the world. In particular, there are 31 universities of Turkey with which KazNU carries out mutual scientific exchanges. For example: Istanbul, Ankara, Yeditepe, Marmara and Hacettepe universities. Over the past two years, more than 500 students from KazNU have visited Turkish universities as part of academic mobility, 67 Turkish students study at KazNU. Last academic year, eight Turkish academics taught at the university and this year, a branch of KazNU was opened in Istanbul and Bishkek.


Then Zhanseit Tuimebayev focused on the most significant moments of the life and professional path of the distinguished guest. "A well-known lawyer and diplomat Metin Kiratli graduated from the Faculty of Law of Ankara University. He started his career as an intern in the court of Ankara. He held the positions of Chairman of the court in various higher courts. In 2014 he was appointed Deputy Secretary General of the 12th President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mr. Kiratli has been the head of the Turkish Presidential Administration since 2018," the rector stated.


In turn, the guest of honor thanked the leadership of KazNU for the special hospitality. He said: "I am glad that I have visited my ancestral land. I honor the high status of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which has manifested itself in many fields of science. I am a member of the Association of Universities of Turkey, so I know that the university has a great responsibility," Mr. Kiratli announced.


In his speech, the lecturer gave a high assessment of the way of formation of Kazakhstan after gaining the independence. Historical monuments common to all Turkic peoples have acquired special significance in the country of the Great Steppe. Metin Kiratli noted that the Kazakh nation reproduce the cultural heritage of the entire Turkic world. He also shared his thoughts on the study of valuable heritage, the preservation of national identity. The diplomat expressed confidence in the continuation of relations between the two fraternal countries and called for further strengthening of ties, especially in the field of science and education. Earlier in Turkey, 25 thousand young people who received education in Kazakhstan became a connecting "golden link" between the two countries.


At the end of the meeting, by the decision of the Academic Council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Zhanseit Tuimebayev awarded Metin Kiratli the title of "Honorary Professor".



                                 Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University