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Innovation in teaching and education: TEACHER TRAINING PENALTY al-Farabi
1/25/2012Improvement of professional teaching skills faculty of the university - an important task of the university. At the Department of Pedagogy KSU in 70 years of the twentieth century under the guidance of Professor d.p.n K.B. Berzhanov acted Institute of Teaching Excellence. Now we are reviving this tradition. During the winter holidays, the students with the support of the Department of Academic Affairs and the Department for educational work were organized training sessions for faculty members. In total, the department of pedagogy for two weeks of January held 37 training courses for all faculties. From 9 to January 17, 2012 conducted training on student-oriented approach to learning, problem-based and project learning. From 12 to 19 January 2012 - Training School of the curators, advisors on educational work.
Due to the large demand of teachers instead of planned 15 training sessions for student-oriented teaching conducted 20 training sessions. Training was conducted in parallel in the Kazakh and Russian groups of two teachers - Ph.D., associate professor A.K. Mynbayeva, associate professor G.A. Kassen, associate professor N.S. Algozhaeva, teacher Zhumabekova. Assistance in the training provided, and associate professor Z.M. Sadvakasova, many teachers were working moments photography workshops.
In the first part of the training teachers were introduced to the theory of student-centered learning, the basic ideas and principles of personal and individual approach to teaching modern science. Then participants performed training group exercises to develop tasks that can be set in the syllabus and educational-methodical complex.
The second part of the training, participants met with the approaches to the formulation of problems for project-based learning and problem lecture filled with didactic map design project-based learning. Such a seminar was held in September-month 2011 at 9 university. Then there were the basic theoretical concepts and ideas of problem-based learning, his strengths and weaknesses, and risks to staff and students. Members of the Faculty of Mechanics metodbyuro associate professor and chairman of the Moscow Mansurov metodbyuro Law Faculty S.Z. Daubasova introduced to colleagues with the experience of the project method of teaching. Finally, teachers have homework for the development and proper execution of tasks on the CDS project teaching method.
Features of training was that the coaches attempted to break the stereotypes of teachers, to strengthen each teacher, to bring, to facilitate and accommodate the learning process for students. Play form of training, group work, presentations, teachers showed a variety of teaching methods, opinions and attitudes. The trainings reigned friendly and creative atmosphere, the spirit of academicism was diluted gaming moments. Participants fruitful work has been done. According to the participants of training and seminars have helped not only to get acquainted with new technology training, but also to strengthen the esprit de corps of teachers, promoted a small relaxation of teachers, good informal contacts professors and teachers of university, searching for interdisciplinary connections.
How to make a curatorial hour interesting? How to give joy and creativity student life? How to instill a corporate culture and team spirit to students?
From 12 to 18 January 2012 a new eight leading professors of pedagogy - the professors and associate professors – A.K. Mynbayeva, K.J. Kozhakhmetova, N.S. Algozhaeva, W.B. Toleshova, G.A. Kasen, A.B. Mukasheva, Z.M. Sadvakasova, a young lecturer MD Shagyrbaeva conducted 17 training sessions on the new theme "Developing creative skills of students," "Team Building in the student group on the basis of sociometry," "The key to success in professional life," " Modern education technology ", " Cooperation of the student-parent s edvajzer "" . Improving the communicative culture of students in a research University. "
Training "The development of creative skills of students" was aimed at the discovery and development of creative abilities of the teachers, who can then spend these hours in their curatorial groups. Only a creative teacher can shape a creative person. The trainings can be sure that our teachers - the best and most creative teachers of the country. We have perfected our poetic and artistic artistic skills, enlivened objects and pictures, create mini-comics, develop creative thinking. The curators, advisors charge of positive creative energy, learned new methods of art expression of personality, someone remembered his student days, someone opened their colleagues dream ... Very creative curators were schools of journalism and history, physics, philosophy and political science, geography.
During the training, " Cooperation of the student-parent s edvajzer " curators have played in role play, students discussed the issues raised parents problems and issues, shared experiences of interaction with the moms and dads of students.
Training on team building activity to colleagues remembered the group choice, uniting groups of methods through skazkoterapiyu, collective caricatures on a student's life.
Any changes and innovations begin with the educators' own. Without an active and creative approach to his beloved work, we can not achieve success in the education professionals of the XXI century. We wish you good colleagues good luck and success, a positive perception of innovation and advancement of our university forward.
A.K. Mynbayevа
Pedagogy PZPN
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University