
Ainalandy Nurlandyr!


The founder of this movement (Brighten the corner where you are!) was Young-Sil Kim, the honorary president of Anyang University in Korea. His aim in launching this movement was to find a practical principle for building a society where all citizens can live a peaceful and happy life. He found the basic motto of “Brighten the corner where you are” movement in a Chinese book entitled Sega, the 46th volume of Sagi (history):” Those who do their best and get best fruits of their labor are the very people to be highly valued in every society.”

The spirit of “Brighten the corner where you are” consists of a philosophy of responsibility for what we do every day of our life, a philosophy of harmony that the whole society reaches peace and happiness as each member of a society does his/her work properly in his best capacity and thus brightening the corner where he/she is.

The word “Brighten” has a behavioral connotation. Our behavior should be noble, righteous, and fair everyday of our life. Throughout his life man should do his best to realize his potential, his talent to reach the highest outcome.

We have conducted a discussion of the basic philosophy of” Ainalandy Nurlandyr” at our lessons and the students were given a task to write an essay on this topic: “Brighten the corner where you are”. In this article we are sharing some extracts from the students’ essays:

Nurymbetova Arailym: “Love, kindness and generosity are three most important qualities each person has to possess. I think that in our life there is an effect of a boomerang. If you are good to someone, it is obligatory will return back to you. Good deeds don't wait for an award. But in my memory forever there will be that day when I with my friends participated in the charitable action as a participant and organizer to help the sick children. From us financial support wasn't required, it was necessary to prepare some sweets, cookies and bakes. All bakes which we prepared well were on sale. And the large sum for treatment of the child was gathered. Mother of the child was so surprised and grateful. Such acts motivate to do even more good deeds. I was so happy that we managed to brighten up their spirits. And now I’m sure that the world is not without kind people.

Raihan Ainur: “Everybody has his own small world. This world changes during the life, as a person changes. I think that our life consists of our thoughts and feelings, embodied in the actions of the people who are with us throughout our lives, nature, culture, history, all, that surrounds us every day, affecting our live. And they are: our parents, relatives, friends, colleagues….neighbours. No wonder there is a phrase, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are". All these people are an integral part of our live, our support. However, not only our surroundings influence us, we can influence our surroundings too. We can change our life: brighten it by good thoughts, kind actions, and positive feelings, all that we bring into this world”.

Esimbekov Zhahan: “Today, the concept of kindness, sincerity are losing their significance. Some people have new values, new viewpoints. However, the world still has people who brighten the corner where they are. These are people of different nationalities and religions; they are all from different countries. But one thing unites them all is to make the world a little kinder. The children are taught in school to be more humane. Humanity is the highest quality of a human. Now on the internet, on the television they transmit a huge amount of news about brutal behavior. However, there are people who still have not lost their humanity”.

Uralova Nazira: “What can I do to brighten the world around me? In fact, the answer is - easy. I am a 1st year student of Kazakh National University. And now I can do a lot for people who aren’t as lucky as others. These people are orphans who were left without parental care and who are in orphanages. There are also the aged people who, on the contrary, have remained without care of their children. These social categories of people need a lot of care and attention.  When I was a schoolboy, I sang in a vocal ensemble. With the Ensemble, we gave performances at many events. The most memorable concert was a performance in front of children who suffered from various serious diseases. Originally, the idea to sing a song to these children was a little scary because we did not know how the children would react to us. But everything was fine! It was a Saturday night; we went to the scene and saw these children. What was the most unusual for me - those kids even looked a little different from us, but they were happy and good. Many of them could not talk to us because of their disease, but by using a sign language we could understand each other. As for the present time, in my plans is to go to the same institutional care for sick children and help them to work with those children. And I as a person who is interested in the prosperity of his country, I would like to live in peace and harmony”.



Senior lecturers:

Orazbekova I.G., Tleugabylova Z.A.

Department of Foreign Languages