


Speaking at a joint session of the Parliament with the new composition of the Mazhilis, the Head of State in his Address gave a brief analysis of the situation in the country, informed about the implementation of the tasks outlined by him in the historic March Address to the people of Kazakhstan 2022 and in the election platform "Fair Kazakhstan is for Everyone".

It is appropriate to note that the entire speech of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is based on the conceptual goals, objectives, priorities and provisions enshrined in the above-mentioned strategic political and legal documents.

The essence of the task is the building a New Kazakhstan with a fair society. Moreover, this task should be implemented through the political, legal and socio-economic reforms, based on the formula derived by Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and already established: "A strong President – an influential Parliament – an accountable Government." In turn, the "influential Parliament" as an integral part of this formula is the legislative branch of state power. According to the President, branch should perform the most important function in building a New Kazakhstan as a fair state.

Analyzing the reforms that are already carried out, the Head of State justifiably notes: "In less than a year, five electoral campaigns, including a referendum, have been held. All of them fell at a very crucial period. Despite all the difficulties, we were able to pass the most important stage in the life of the country in a short time."

An illustrative example of this is the ongoing measures outlined by the Head of State on March 2022 Address on the return to the state of illegally acquired property, including cash and land plots. This process is already really contributing to the restoration of citizens' trust in the authorities and faith in the law, justice, which have been significantly lost over the past decades.

Further, as a confirmation of the inviolability of the course of democratization of Kazakhstan's society, the Head of State notes that the constitutional reform that took place has created conditions for the democratization of the political system in general and the electoral system in particular. Now 30% of the deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament have already been elected in single-mandate districts, which means that they receive an imperative mandate. The mandate has direct responsibility to their voters.

In the address of the President to the deputies of the Parliament at the first session of the VIII convocation, the Head of State outlined eight priorities in the work of both the Majilis and the Parliament as a whole. All priorities are aimed at implementing the planned and already implemented political, socio-economic and legal reforms.

However, attention should be paid to the range of issues affecting the social sphere, which should receive intensive development. According to the Head of State, such feature is the social essence of Kazakhstan, enshrined in paragraph 1 of art. 1 of our Constitution, since the welfare state assumes that a person, his rights and freedom, his well-being and social protection are above the state and public interests. Therefore, one of the main priorities in the legislative activity of the new composition of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan should be the adoption of high–quality laws, at the forefront of which will be the care of the state in relation to the ordinary citizen of Kazakhstan. In this aspect, the Head of State states: "It is necessary to consistently improve the quality of human capital. You know that I pay special attention to this issue. I am convinced that the main wealth of Kazakhstan is people."

Next, President Kassym- Zhomart Tokayev pays special attention to the support of socially vulnerable citizens: "People who are in a difficult life situation should not solve their problems alone. This should manifest the justice of the state and the solidarity of society. The protection of motherhood and childhood is of particular importance." Indeed, on behalf of the Head of State, the period of payment of child care benefits has been increased from 1 year to 1.5 years, social assistance for children from one to six years in low-income families has been revised, more than half a million large families will receive special benefits.

In addition, the President focused his attention of the newly elected deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament on the relevance and need for legislative solutions to issues in the field of education, health protection and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, further development of sports and culture.

Issues related to the further progressive development of the level of education in our country deserve special attention. The main wealth and property of the state are not natural resources (oil, gas, uranium, etc.), but the intellectual potential of the country, the President notes that educated and capable citizens will lead our country forward. To do this, it is necessary to comprehensively develop the education system. In recent years, the state has significantly increased investments in this area.

At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the improvement of the status of a teacher. The teacher is the most important and main person in the field of education. We need to improve the reputation of this job in society.

It is an axiom that the quality of knowledge of school graduates largely depends on the quality of knowledge of students and undergraduates. This factor directly affects the quality of local science. Science, in turn, should be aimed at the development of new technologies and innovations in our country, which should significantly affect the diversification of the economy. After all, an economically advanced state is one of the guarantees of protecting our sovereignty and improving the well-being of the entire multinational people of Kazakhstan.

The President’s Address to the newly elected deputy corps of the Majilis of the Parliament should be considered as a program document containing multi–vector guidelines and priorities in the activities of the legislative branch of government for the next five years. The substantive side of this address allows us to assert that it covers almost all the most significant spheres of public life, which should be under the close attention of the newly elected composition of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In conclusion, it is necessary to cite a deep and at the same time simple the President's thought: "We have one goal which is the construction of a Fair Kazakhstan. It cannot be achieved in one day. We have to show such qualities as hard work, dedication, professionalism, knowledge, discipline and patriotism. The interests of the nation and the state should be above all."

It seems that every citizen of our country, who is a true patriot of his homeland, the Republic of Kazakhstan, should adopt this idea of the Head of State.




Chairman of the Management Board – Rector


Al-Farabi KazNU