


As part of the Science Week, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific conference "Ruler of Muslim Egypt: Sultan Baybars From Kipchak Clan and His Time". The event was timed to the 800th anniversary of the birth of Baybars Sultan, the famous son of the Dasht-i Kipchak steppe, who founded the Mamluk state in Egypt.

The main purpose of the conference is to study the latest information about Sultan Baybars and popularize his legacy among the younger generation.

The event was attended by: Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to the Lebanese Republic Rasul Zhumaly, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Israel Satybaldy Boshakov, Honorary Consul of Syria in Kazakhstan Samir Derekh, Professor of Damascus University Muaffak Dugmaan, representatives of state institutions and public organizations, historians of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, academic staff, students, etc.

"Sultan Baybars headed Egypt and Syria and left a special mark on the history of Egypt. He was the patron saint of the holy Islamic cities of Mecca and Medina. Scientists of our university conducts research on the project "The Turkic World of Eurasia based on the Materials of the Vatican and Western Historical and Archival Data." They collect data in the Vatican, France, Germany about such great personalities as Baybars, an ancestor from the Kipchak steppes. Regarding Sultan Baybars, the Vatican states, France, Egypt, Syria plan to analyze and introduce into scientific sources that have not entered into scientific circulation. International projects are implemented jointly with Turkish and Arab scientists. I think that today's international conference will allow us to form a new look at the history of our past," the rector announced.

In turn, the Honorary Consul of Syria in Kazakhstan Samir Derekh noted that Sultan Baybars left an indelible mark in history as a wise leader and an outstanding commander.

"Kazakhstan's decision to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Sultan Baybars at a high level is a noble initiative. His biography is closely connected with Desht-i Kipchak or the Kazakh steppe. He is an outstanding figure who has made a huge contribution to the protection of Islamic civilization," the consul stated.

Furthermore, the participants made reports on Sultan Baybars on the following topics: Eastern and Western data and research, international relations, ties with the Golden Horde, the place of Sultan Baybars in history, his diplomacy, role of an outstanding personality in the education of modern youth.



Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University