


A training laboratory named after Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Murat Kurmashevich Gilmanov has been opened at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.



Murat Gilmanov is a prominent scientist in the field of plant biochemistry, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Murat Gilmanov and his students have achieved significant results in the field of studying the structure and function of the main enzymes of nitrogen metabolism of higher plants. Thus, for the first time, he discovered and characterized specific glutamate dehydrogenase, which carries out the process of nitrogen assimilation in ripening plant seeds. For more than 30 years, the scientist had taught biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology and genetic engineering at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of KazNU. Murat Kurmashevich was a member of the Scientific Council at KazNU for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations on genetics, cytology, histology, cell biology, biochemistry.

A well–known public figure Murat Auezov made a speech at the solemn event: "Today we are attending an important event - a laboratory named after Murat Kurmashevich has been created. I lived with Marat Gilmanov in the same dorm room and we were friends for many years. He was very hardworking, an expert in his field, always found answers to difficult life questions and was able to convey the results of these deep reflections to young people. This was a scientist-educator who deeply understood the mysteries of life, he radiated the light around and devoted his whole life to science. I am very grateful that my life is closely intertwined with his fate," Murat Mukhtarovich commented.

In turn, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Zayadan Bolathan stated: "This is a significant event for us, because the opening of the educational laboratory named after an outstanding scientist opens up great opportunities for our future youth to do research".


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University