


The Kazakh nation has many decent sons and daughters who can rightfully be proud of, one of them is a professional, talented scientist, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Bayan Umirbekovna Dzholdasbekova.

Analyzing the work and creative path of Professor Bayan Dzholdasbekova, it is worthy to note that she certainly proves the the following folk wisdom: "a talented person is talented in everything."

Bayan Umirbekovna Dzholdasbekova was born in 1962 in Moscow. In 1983 she graduated with honors from the Philological faculty of KazGU named after S.M. Kirov, further she brilliantly defended her PhD and doctoral dissertations.

Thanks to Bayan Umirbekovna’s research, new directions of scientific research in the field of philology have been developed: problems of genre-style originality of prose in modern literary studies, the peculiarities of the internal evolution of genres and Eurasian motifs as an expression of spiritual harmony in the context of the dialogue of Eastern and Western cultures, the analysis of poetics.

She has published more than 300 scientific papers, including 15 monographs, 20 textbooks and manuals, 18 articles in journals included in the Scopus database.

Bayan Umirbekovna considers scientific and pedagogical activity as her main vocation. She created her own literary school. She raises professionally and nurtures her students, many of whom are already educating future researchers themselves. Her students are actively working in the field of science and education in Kazakhstan and abroad. She is the Chairman of the Dissertation Council of KazNU (PhD), a member of the dissertation councils of Abay KazNPU and St. Petersburg State University (Russia).

It is amazing how Bayan Umirbekovna has collected valuable data on the history of Russian and Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, literary studies of our country. Certainly, they are exceptional in its scope. Secondly, in relation to other people, she is tactful and fair. Professor Dzholdasbekova is a brilliant individual with a unique energy. Thirdly, Bayan Umirbekovna is one of the few scientists who are able to create and preserve a space of freedom.

Bayan Umirbekovna is convinced that literature highly inluences on the process of education and aesthetic development of the individual. Literature broadens person's horizons, forms the worldview, provides knowledge about life, nature, science, creativity. In general, the role of literature and art remains paramount in the formation of public consciousness, patriotism and tolerance. An educated and cultured person can achieve success in any field and become a driving force of society.

Bayan Umirbekovna is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Doctor of Philology conducts a large and diverse public activity. For many years he has been the Vice-president of Kazakhstanian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (KAZPRYAL), a member of the expert group of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, a member of the Academic Council and Chairman of the Women's Union of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philology, initiator and organizer of the annual international scientific conferences "Dzholdasbekov Readings" and "Bagizbayev Readings", initiator and coordinator of two-degree programs education, the organizer of the literary society "Akkayyn".

For her great contribution to the development of philological science in Kazakhstan, Professor B.U.Dzholdasbekova was awarded high awards: medals "Eren Yenbegi Ushin", "Birlik", a Silver medal of KazNU, honorary diplomas of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, a badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". She is the holder of the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology, the state grant "The Best Instructor of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (twice), "The best Instructor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University", etc.

I would especially like to say about Bayan Umirbekovna's family. First of all, it should be noted that her parents are world–class renowned scientists and the pride of the Kazakh people. Her father is Umirbek Arislanovich Dzholdasbekov, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, outstanding rector for 16 years, KazGUgrad was founded and built during his post. Her mother is Maya Mikhailovna Bagizbayeva, academician of the Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Philology, Professor, head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature for many years. The elder brother is Skanderbek Dzholdasbekov - an academician of IARK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, director of the Academician Dzholdasbekov Research Institute.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that the scientific, pedagogical and social activities of Professor Bayan Umirbekovna Dzholdasbekova are aimed at strengthening the authority of Kazakh philological science on the world stage. She has impressive plans for the future and we as her colleagues always expect something new from her. A worthy holder of the legendary surname is an example of brilliant mind, and excellent logic, she is a person of high culture and intelligence.



Raushanbek ABSATTAROV,

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor




Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department

of Russian Philology and World Literature of KazNU