


Ensuring high-quality education is one of the priority tasks set for the university community. The high quality of education directly affects the competitiveness of future specialists not only in the domestic, but also in the international labor market.

The Department of Management has been contributing to the training of managers for all spheres of the national economy for more than 25 years. At the same time, the main emphasis in the training of future managers is on the synthesis of management theory and practice in order to advance the training of personnel for the development of the national economy. Now managers need to be able to manage employees and various processes in the company not only in accordance with plans, but also in conditions that sharply violate these plans, i.e crisis situations. This is the reason for the need to develop practical crisis management competencies of future managers.

The teaching staff of the Department of Management, together with the international company TAV Airports Holding organized on March 28, 2023 an open field lecture in English "Crisis Management System: Real Cases of TAV Airports Holding" at the Almaty International Airport. The lecture was held by the vice-presidents of the company "TAV Airports Holding" F.Omur, Y.Packer and M.Guzel.

The vice-presidents of the international company told about the goals and objectives of crisis management and the basic principles of its construction in international air hubs. Using the example of real cases from the activities of TAV Airports Holding and other foreign companies operating in the field of international transportation, top managers revealed the features of management at various stages of crisis management, considered the actions of managers from the point of view of anticipating and overcoming various situations. Particular attention was paid to the fact that crisis situations require the development of competencies and practical skills of crisis communications both in the internal environment and in interactions with the stakeholders.

The lecture was held in an interactive format, aroused the interest and lively discussion. Taking into account the high interest of the students, the top managers of the international company expressed their readiness to continue such lectures, which will contribute to deepening understanding of crisis management issues. Students will be able to apply gained knowledge in further studying, conducting research and in future practical activities.



Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor


Candidate of Economics, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Management