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Times Higher Education - international seminar
With support of Ministry of Education and Science of RK and Times Higher Education World University Rankings, al-Farabi Kazakh National University is going to organize the international seminar on topic “Experience of Kazakhstan Universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings” on March 19-20, 2012.
It is first time that the seminar organized by Times Higher Education World University Rankings takes place in Kazakhstan. The seminar gives opportunity to study the top universities’ experience of improving its ranking. There will be discussion in the following topics:
- History of the ranking and Global higher education context;
- History and Methodology of the rankings
- Position of Kazakhstan Universities in the rankings: issues and opportunities
We would like to invite you to participate our seminar and to get professional consultations and important recommendations on improving university’s position in the world ranking.
The seminar will be discussed in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
The certificate of seminar attendance will be awarded at the end of seminar.
The entrance fee for the seminar is 25000 tenge. You can pay fee to one of them:
РГП «КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби» РНН 600400040043 Адрес: г. Алматы, пр. аль-Фараби 71 ИИК KZ29319A010004148977 АО «БТА Банк» г. Алматы БИК АБKZKZKX КБЕ 16 БИН 990140001154
РГП «КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби» РНН 600400040043 Адрес: г. Алматы, пр. аль-Фараби 71 ИИК KZ288560000000473722 АГФ АО «Банк Центр Кредит» Г. Алматы БИК KCJBKZKX КБЕ 16 БИН 99010001154
On your receipt, please indicate title as “Attendance to the International Seminar –«Experience of Kazakhstan Universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings»
Please confirm your attendance to the seminar until March 05, 2012. Please visit ouк website: www.kaznu.kz For more additional information, please contact .: +7(727)377-33-30 (вн.11-96), Dariga Gubasheva
E-mail:Gulnar.Mukanova@kaznu.kz;Dariga.Gubasheva@kaznu.kz; Zhaksylyk.Salkarayev@kaznu.kz
Application form
Science degree
Academic degree
Address of a university
Contact (tel. mob., workphone.)