


KazNU annually celebrates Earth Day, which is one of the most famous ecological holidays in the world. This day is designed to remind us the need to preserve and protect our planet, promoting careful treatment of nature, which has become more vulnerable.

The Green Campus Movement is a global initiative that calls for the creation of environmentally sustainable universities. The aim of this movement is to reduce the negative impact of universities on the environment and increase their responsibility for the future of our planet.

One of the key concepts of the Green Campus Movement is separate waste collection. Unsorted garbage ends up in landfills, pollutes soil and water, worsens air quality and causes diseases in animals and people. On average, one person throws out about five hundred kilograms of garbage per year, and if you count the average family of four, it already produces 2 tons of garbage per year. Imagine how much garbage personally from you and your family will accumulate and will be in the landfill in ten years. However, this garbage could have been sorted, sent for recycling and reused. These actions make it possible not only to return maximum materials to industrial circulation, but also to reduce the cost of garbage collection, as well as reduce the carbon footprint, overall environmental pollution, including reducing the area of landfills.

Within the framework of Earth Day and the global Green Campus Movement, undergraduates of the Finance and Accounting Department of the Higher School of Economics and Business organized an eco-marathon. The students who took part in the eco-marathon actively collected garbage during the week and sorted it for further processing. As a result, the participants of the eco-marathon collected 48 kilograms of waste paper, which were sorted and handed over to the KWR (Kazakhstan Waste Recycling) waste collection point. The students who collected the largest amount of waste paper were given gift certificates from stores.

                              Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University