


Andrei Mechislavovich Grzybovsky has been working as a visiting professor at the department since 2019. Currently he is the Head of the Department for Scientific and Innovative Work of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. In 2001-2017 Professor Grzybovsky worked as a Senior Advisor to the Chief Epidemiologist of Norway, Senior Advisor to the University of Oslo and the Arctic University of Norway, coordinated the EEA and Norway Grants programs in the field of healthcare in European countries.

Professor Grzybovsky is the author of more than 600 scientific publications. During the cooperation with KazNU, the visiting professor has published more than 40 articles with the publication of KazNU in peer-reviewed journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases. He is the initiator of three scientific projects with the participation of the instructors of the department, constantly conducts lectures for undergraduates and doctoral students in the disciplines of "Biostatistics", "Advanced Epidemiology".

Open lectures of the visiting Professor Grzhibovsky are devoted to the promotion of scientific projects from the idea to the implementation of results and publication. Professor Grzhibovsky, by order of Rector Tuimebayev Zh.K., was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor of Al Farabi KazNU" for his contribution to the development of the KazNU medical school and effective work.