The Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the carrying out of the competition on the grant financing of scientific researches on 2012-2014, with total amount of the grant financing – 1,731 billion tenge, in the fields of:
1. Energy
2. Deep processing of raw materials and production
3. Information and telecommunication technologies
4. Life Sciences
5. Intellectual potential of the country
Requirements to applications are established by the competitive documentation placed on a site of the Committee of Science of MES RK –
Applications are accepted till June 1, 2012, to the address: 010000, Astana, Imanov St. 13, cab. 710.
The explanation of competitive documentation and consultation concerning preparation of the application can be received in the Саll-center of the Committee of Science of MES RK for contact phones: +7 (7172) 57-91-36, 57-91-38, 57-91-39, 57-91-40, 57-91-53, 57-91-54.
Department on a science and innovative activities
(377-33-30 add. 11-58, 11-62)