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KazNU Al-Farabi is the only university of the CIS countries, will participate at a separate section devoted to the ideas of the President of the country - Global Strategies of energy-ecological development "Green Bridge".
In June 2012, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) will host Global Summit on Sustainable Development "Rio +20". KazNU Al-Farabi, the only university of the CIS countries, will participate at a separate section devoted to the ideas of the President of the country - Global Strategies of energy-ecological development "Green Bridge". Section meeting, which arose a great interest from the world's leading universities, renowned scientists and international experts, will be held at the Rio Center on June 17 (19:30 pm, room "T5").
Having performed a large and important work, the KazNU was able to open its section at the Millennium Summit, and also bring together the scientists from Columbia University (USA), International University of Nature, Society and Human "Dubna" (Russia), University of Malta (Malta), Federal Agricultural University (Brazil), Catholic University of Brazil and other universities around the world. At the meeting the Head of the UN program "Academic Impact" Ramu Damodaran, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the members of international club "Friends of the KazNU Al-Farabi" will take part.
The Head of the section is the Rector of KazNU Al-Farabi, academic Galym Mutanov, his presentation "Issue of providing staff for the strategy of sustainable development. Energy and ecological aspects" will be the key issue at the meeting. Also, the reports will be presented by: Jose Carlos Kuadrado - President of the Higher Institute of Engineering of Lisbon (Portugal), Ricardo Miranda Mott - Rector of the Federal Agricultural University (Brazil), Ljubov Gordina - President of the Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological World Assembly (Russia), etc.
In addition, participants of the meeting will listen to the welcome address of the crew of the International Space Station about conservation of the planet for future generations. At the end of the section meeting, the resolution on support of the initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan, scientifically sound and innovative principles needed to overcome the global challenges will be adopted.
As part of the Global energy-ecological strategy in the XXI century, one of the key tasks is to create a unified educational space and strengthening of the role of youth in sustainable development worldwide. International Agency QS called KazNU Al-Farabi among the leaders of universities in the world on sustainable development, which, through science, innovation and practice provides training of professionals for this sector and contributes to the future of the planet.
Summit "Rio +20" is the global platform for discussion and resolution of sustainable development and "green" economy issues. The Forum will bring together the Heads of States, representatives of international non-governmental organizations, businesses, leading universities of the world.
The information about the activities of KazNU Al-Farabi in promotion of sustainable development ideas can be found on the information web-page http://rio20.kaznu.kz.