At the department of Energy and Ecology scientific seminar with the participation of President of NGO "International Environmental Association of Women East of Eli Urkyz Zlaudunovnoy.
Urkyz Zlaudunovna presented a new UN GEF project "Solar panels and collectors for farms Almaty region."
The project will carry out the installation and implementation of solar panels and collectors for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables throughout of year. You will get heat from the solar collectors will heat distribution, which will ensure the cultivation of various fruits - vegetables at any time of year. Large areas of farm Almaty region of fruit and vegetable production is mainly carried out only in the summer. The proposed project intends to demonstrate the use of alternative energy sources to the viability of farms throughout of year, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Students, undergraduates and doctoral specialty "Ecology" actively entered into the discussion.
Upon completion of the seminar Ilieva U.Z. invited students to volunteer ecologists work in the performance of the project.
Director of scientific seminars, deputy Head of the department
of Energy and Ecology of science and innovation
and international relations Bayandinova SM