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It was evening
It was evening. The little foyer of juridical faculty was full of funny people. They laughed,smiled and have a lot of fun, The atmosphere in the room was very warm. After a long time there was an order near the lecture room’s door.
Every year the juridical faculty has got own “Club of merry and quick-witted". The topic of “Club of merry and quick-witted" 2012 was “University- my home” Organizers have found a lot of young, talented and funny boys and girls, authority jury, the head of which was dean Baydeldinov, leader and support.
The idea of carrying out this tournament belongs to Tokmambetova Irina Shadybekovna. Students of 1-3 courses responded to undertakings of the teacher of chair of civil law and civil process, the labor right - namely: «Юр.стайл», «12 друзей Токмамбетовой», «Onе Миг» и «Көз тимесің»
And here team and many fans - future lawyers- were settled, the game began!
Sounds of the anthem of “Club of merry and quick-witted" and team sounded stepped on the stage. The leader of “Club of merry and quick-witted" 2012 was Irina Shadybekovna, in jury there were teachers and employees of law faculty. There were the dean Baydeldinov D. L, teacher of the theory of the state and law Ibrayeva A.S. , the head of the department of civil law and civil process, the labor right - prof. Tynybekov S. T. How there passed game? Probably, the audience to whom I will give the word later will tell you. For now I will tell that game passed cheerfully, the audience saw and heard many jokes and musical programs.
Game consisted of four parts: cut-aways, homework, dancing competition and ridiculous news. As a result with small advantage the team «12 друзей Токмамбетовой » won. But, as representatives of jury, despite advantage on team points «Tokmambetova's 12 friends» told, all participants were very good.
Now I want to tell separately about winners. They represented the second course, were graduates of college. Madiyeva Nilufar was the captain, and the group consisted of 12 peoples/ The best moment was the parody about the president of US- Barack Obama. Quality of jokes was perfect. As a result, second course students were most worthy a victory.
The jury allocated also performance of the student of the first course - Tairova Alina. It executed the Arab dance unforgettable and grasping on beauty.
On the termination of evening I could hear, as one participant of discussion was dissatisfied, and said that everything passed boringly, but the audience who was hotly welcoming the teams, held other opinion and was glad that came, and one of them told the following:
— Organizers did huge work, honor to them and praise, nobody expected such level of the organization. Thanks to all who came and supported, and we hope that movement of juridical faculty of “Club of merry and quick-witted" will not disappear.
The special thanks for all participants, the audience, jury and Irina Shadybekovna for so wonderful evening would be desirable to tell.