Scientific and practical seminar of department Energy and Ecology on a subject: «The wind energy potential as» passed the instrument of improvement of environment of Kazakhstan with participation of the leading expert of the Regional Ecological Center of Central Asia (RECCA), the graduate of Japanese university of Tsukuba of Almaz Ahmetov.
So far in the world operating experience of the most various energy sources of a wind is saved up huge practical. Wind energy is almost inexhaustible, is everywhere available and more harmless. However, the construction of wind energy plants is interfaced to some difficulties of technical and economic character which are slowing down distribution wind energy potential.
Ahmetov Almaz in the report emphasized that practically all existing researches in RK in the field of wind energy are focused generally on an assessment of technical potential. However, around the world wind energy as any alternative energy sources, first of all pursues the aims of improvement of an ecological situation in the country/region. Therefore, the analysis of positive influence wind energy potential on an ecological situation in the country is necessary.
The scientific seminar with active participation of students of the specialty "Ecology" also was devoted to discussion of these questions.
Ahmetov Almaz called scientific community for joint researches in this area.