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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became the member of The Talloires Network - International Association of Higher Education Institutions.
At the Initiative of International Relations Department and invitation of Michigan University (USA) The Talloires Network has accepted to its network and created the Al-Farabi University homepage on their web site(http://talloiresnetwork.tufts.edu/al-farabi-national-university-kazakhstan/).
The Talloires Network at the Tafts University is and Network is an international association of institutions committed to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. Today the network includes 247 member universities from 62 countries, with over 6 million students. The main goals of the Network are to expand higher education civic engagement programs through teaching, research, and public service to apply higher education standards of excellence and peer review to community engagement the foster partnerships between institutions of higher education and communities to empower groups and individuals and increase the relevance of higher education and to facilitate the creation of regional networks of universities dedicated to civic engagement.
The network includes to its members the best universities of USA, as American University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Michigan University, Duke University New York University, Sirakaus University, Tafts University and others.
Member Universities from Central Asia: University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), Karshinski economic and Engineer Institute.
Member Universities from Kazakhstan: Karaganda State Technical University, KIMEP. Additional information can be find by following link: http://talloiresnetwork.tufts.edu/what-is-the-talloires-network/talloires-network-members/.
The benefits from Membership in the Network:
- The University prestige forward in International Arena.
- The enrichment of the Republic of Kazakhstan position as the regional leader in higher education.
- To expand the International Relations
- Possibility for participation in various programs, as “ The Initiative of Economic Participation of Youths ”. (6-8 grants with total amount 350000 to 465000 USD for each one).
- The possibility of student and teachers participation in deferent exchange programs, courses, international research programs and others.