
The opening of the center "Studies of Modern China". Distinguished guests from the both parts were invited to participate in this event.


21 February was Republican scientific-practical conference "Modern China and its relationship with Kazakhstan," in honor of the opening of the center "Studies of Modern China." At the conference were invited distinguished guests from all sides.

Among the speakers were the first Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic, China expert scientist, director of the "Fund Name Muhtar Auezov" M.M. Auezov; Director of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Doctor of historical science, Professor H.M. Abzhanov; Doctor of historical science, Professor K.Sh. Khafizova; chief research officer of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Doctor of historical science, professor Z.Kinayatuly; dean of the Faculty of International Relations, University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylaykhan, PhD, Professor D.S.Raev and Doctor of historical science, Professor of Kazakh-Turkish University S.Demerel Zhemeney Islam.