
Scientitfic-research Institute of Ecological problems took part in the discussion of project national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the influence of open storage of sulfur in the environment February 22.


Scientitfic-research Institute of Ecological problems took part in the discussion of project national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the influence of open storage of sulfur in the environment February 22.

February 22, 2013 in the hotel "Kazakhstan", a round table discussion on the project of a national standard, "Guidelines for the organization and conduct of self-monitoring of emissions and the influence of open long-term storage of sulfur in the environment."
At the round table was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Industry and New Technologies,

As environmental experts from the Scientitfic-research Institute of Ecological problems were the director of the SRI of Ecological problems, Candidate of Geographic science Skakova A.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Bigaliev A.B., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor V.G. Salnikov.

Nowadays,t in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been actively discussed on the influence of open sulfur storage on the environment. In this regard, experts RSPIC "Kazecology" reported the development of guidelines for the organization and conduct self-monitoring of emissions and the influence of open long-term storage of sulfur in the environment.

SRI of Ecological problems