There was hold a round table “Central Asia between Europe and China” at the Department of International Relations.
The main lecturers were Professor Sebastian Harnish (Heidelberg University, Germany) and Prof. Syroyezhkin K.L. (KISI). They outlined mixed positions and interests of two main international players Europe and China towards Central Asia. In turn, lecturers highlighted that Europe and China are strategical partners for Central Asian countries.
The goal of the round table was to understand the necessity of the conceptualization of international processes, which Central Asian states are involved in, and the processes which are necessive to consider from the position of the XXI century.
Such Kazakh specialists as Auyelbaev, B.A, Izimov, R (KISI), Somzhurek, M, Zh (Department of International Relations Dean, ENU), Augan, M.A, Kozhakhmetov, K.K, Elemesov, K, Abdykhalykov, K (KazNU) and others actively participated in the discussion opened by the Department of International Relations Dean Shakirov K, N. It was also pointed out that cooperation development and rapproachment of regional partners determined by political, economic and security issues. The organizators and participants speaked with a single voice for continuation of such disscussions and the necessity of the broaden examination of the theme.
This event was hold by the initiative of Prof. Gubaidullina, M (Director of Centre for German studies) and Prof. Nabizhan Mukhametkhan (Director of Center of Studies of Modern China).

Department of International Relations