The team of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi advanced to the semifinal in Nursultan Nazarbayev’s Educational Foundation TV project “Intellectual Olympics" and thus our team won the right to compete for the final game.
This season the best team of our university consists of winners of city and national intellectual games (brain-ring, “What?Where?When?”, "Jeopardy") among adults and students. They are: Serіkuly Almas (3rd year, Faculty of Law), Erden Shegіr (3rd year of Mechanics and Mathematics), Bukhanov Aydar (3 course, Physico-Technical Faculty), Umarov Kadyrbaev (3rd year, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science).
Note that this year took part 16 leading universities of Kazakhstan (Nazarbayev University, KBTU, KIMEP, SDU and etc.). Official support for IQ-games team - Center for Career and Business.
Center for Career and Business