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The Scientific-research Institute of Ecology problems held a round table dedicated to the promotion of knowledge on the protection and rational use of water resources. Participants were students and university lecturers in biology, biotechnology, geography and nature of al-Farabi, representatives of the media and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan.
Event held on 20th March at the university, is the beginning of the joint project of “The Kazakh Society of Natural Protection" (TKSONP) and the Foundation of Coca-Cola, directed to use the water carefully. The fact that Kazakhstan is already experiencing an acute shortage of water resources, and the problem over the years will only increase. This informed by the Deputy of Chairman of the KSNP N.V.Popov. According to scientist, 20% of the population use bad quality substandard water from open sources, and more than 50% of the water flowing from the river is used inefficiently. The current situation with the lack of water will affect the anomalous warming in Kazakhstan - told the dean of Faculty of Geography and Nature professor V.G.Salnikov, under whose leadership a few years were conducted field researches and other analyzes. In turn, the representative of the Coca-Cola Oleg Pilecki, leader of Environmental Union "Tabigat" Mels Eleusizov, dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, professor T.M.Shalahmetova and other speakers called for a round table to raise student awareness of environmental issues, as societies require highly skilled experts in this area. Summarizing the work of the round table, director of the Institute of Ecology A.A.Skakova noted that without promotion of knowledge on this issue to achieve changes in environmental awareness of the population and the construction of a "green economy" in Kazakhstan is almost impossible. Therefore, with the support of MES RK similar meetings with students in higher education institutions of the country will be held in universities in Astana, Pavlodar, Kostanay, Ust-Kamenogorsk and other cities of the country.
SRI of Ecology problems