


On the eve of the summer holidays in Almaty descent of masters Faculty of Geography and Nature of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi visited grammar school number 56.

"- Our mission is one of the best institutions of Almaty pursued several aims - said the head of the university group, director of the SRI of Ecological problems KazNU A.A.Skakova. First, a part of the vocational orientation, we conducted among high school standouts, the selection of future entrants for their admission to our university. Secondly, together with the employees of the Kazakh Society of Nature Protection, we had kids eco holiday".

Everyone gathered in the auditorium of the school children, was shown environmental film "Water - the elixir of life on the Earth." Then answered numerous questions high school students about the benefits of studying in one of the oldest universities in Kazakhstan. For younger children, in an exciting game format was conducted environmental quiz with prizes and gifts. In the end, the purpose of environmental measures was achieved. Students were given a clear and open lesson of environmental responsibility and respect for the nature of his native land, as well as enhanced their understanding of the use and protection of water.

SRI of Ecological problems