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In-situ audit of the World Tourism Organization
In-situ audit on the international certification of master’s degree program of specialty "Tourism", implemented by the Department of Recreational geography and Tourism is completed at the faculty of Geography and Nature management. The evaluation system of tourist education quality of the UNWTO.TedQual World Tourism Organization provides the analysis of preparation system of professional tourist staff of a scientific and pedagogical profile on compliance to recommendations of Educational Council of UNWTO on five main processes: employers (private and public sector); students; educational program and pedagogical system, faculty, management. Besides, the attention is paid to the compliance of an educational program to basic principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism aimed at sustainable development.
The auditor of the UNWTO.TedQual World Tourism Organization, Dr. Maria Dolores Alvarez Basterra noted the importance of the system as a tool to create a modern system of higher tourism education in accordance with the needs of the world economy and purposeful activity in this direction of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Carrying out of the international accreditation became possible by a grant won by Department of Recreational geography and Tourism of MINT RK realizing a state program of development of the domestic tourism industry.
It should be noted that KazNU is the only higher education institution in Kazakhstan, received the confirmation of World Tourism Organization about compliance of an educational program quality of bachelor degree in "Tourism" to the international level. Certification of master program is the next important step of integration to world educational space, improvement of preparing of specialists in one of the priority and perspective directions of economy of country which is the tourism.
Faculty of Geography and Nature Management