Within chair of the international relations and world economy the club "Шығыс жұлдызы" carried out on October 2, 2013 a round table on a subject "The state external security: on the example of the Syrian crisis". The round table was organized by the one of the executives of the students club candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Balaubaeva B.M. Candidate of Philology Momynkulov Zh. took part in a round table.
1 . Students 4 courses Асқарова Гүлсім, , Бопыш Рыскүл, Аманкелді Алтынай "interstate factors of safety and their threat of the government"
2 . Students 4 courses Мамбетали Әйгерім, Пірімхан Әйгерім "External threats of the state and problems of defense"
3 . Students 4 courses Сапобекова Айнұр, Абишева Гүлмира "Problem of ensuring internal and external security of the country".