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Orienting towards “green” economy
10/7/2013On October 4-5, the international scientific conference: “Modern problems of ecological culture and sustainable development of society” took place under the aegis of SRI of Problems of Ecology at al-Farabi KazNU.
The importance of such a great-scaled event held within the walls of the oldest university of Kazakhstan can be proved by the fact that the holding of this conference was approved by the special Government Decree of RK from June 19 present year and it was included in the Agenda of “The Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in CIS” in 2013. The vice rector for research-innovation affairs of KazNU, professor Ramazanov T.S. noticed that in his greeting speech for the forum participants. The essence of such event was also mentioned by the deputy chairman of CIS executive committee Buzubayev T.I., the deputy chairman of Ecological management and control of MEP RK Aliyev Zh.Sh., the Head of chair of innovative development department of Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, professor, d.t.sc., director of the Sustainable development scientific school Bolshakov B.E., The Chairman of Kazakhstan National committee of UNESCO program «Man and Biosphere», d.b.sc. Yashenko R.V., and other official persons.
During two days leading scientists from the USA, China, Russia and other countries exchanged information and ideas, listened to oral reports, discussed scientific breakthroughs and had disputes. There were presented over one hundred reports on theoretical and applied aspects of ecology, biology and biotechnology in three sections with deans of the university Salnikov V.G., Shalakhmetova T.M. and Ermekbayeva B.Zh. as moderators of these sections. Economical mechanisms of transferring to “green” economy and issues of noospheric ecological culture were considered on the remarkable forum.
As a result of two-day international conference was the acceptance of the resolution reflecting all necessary suggestions and recommendations directed to development of the whole ecosystem of Kazakhstan and CIS countries. In particular, the necessity of ecological monitoring of each country region, evaluation of their resource and personnel potential for transferring to “green” economy, and creation of “ecological passports” of RK provinces was declared. For active specialist training for “green” business advancement and development of domestic “green” technologies it was suggested to create interfaculty scientific-research center specialized on the problems of “green” economy development on the basis of High School of Economy and Business of al-Farabi KazNU. Implementing of such discipline as “ecological culture” into universities educational processes was also recommended.
This and other suggestions were approved by all participants of the international ecological forum and sent to MEP RK, MES RK and other governmental departments and agencies of Kazakhstan and CIS.