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Students visited the Exhibition complex of intellectual hall at the Fund of the First President of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation
Almaty students sent a message to the President in the future! This opportunity was provided by the Foundation of the First President in a special tour.
First and second year students of Physics and Technics Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University (specialties "Standardization, Metrology and Certification" and "Heat power system") together with advisors A.A. Kuykabaeva, A.E. Tursynbayeva and A.M. Maksuthanova visited the Exhibition complex at intellectual hall of the Fund of the First President of Kazakhstan. This exhibition is dedicated to the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev and the history of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The students observed photos and video documentaries about historical events, economic and social reforms that have taken place over the past two decades. The materials also showed a history of the formation of our country, the achievements of science, education and culture.
Visitors typed short congratulations, thanks and wishes at the so called digital stand, the letters were highlighted on virtual bubbles and on the pavilion wall. Here also with the help of 25,000 LEDs students viewed unique photos and videos taken during various trips of Nursultan Nazarbayev to the country and abroad. The tour also included a visit to the museum of presents to the President.
Students could not hide their surprise and delight after seeing the wonderful world of modern computer technologies.
1st year student Kenesbek Aiym shares her impressions:
- I enjoyed visiting this building! Inscriptions on the LED panel look very nice. We had the opportunity to see the works with the help of modern technologies. The exhibition was very interesting! Opening of such an exhibition of advanced computer technology shows that our country tends to high level of innovative development.
2nd year student Tugelbaeva Aysaule:
- The pavilion was built on modern design. We admired the presents and gifts in 3D, provided to the head of state by presidents of other countries and Kazakh businessmen as a sign of respect and appreciation. We express our gratitude to the organizers of the University for this very informative tour!