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International scientific-theoretical conference "Kazakhtanu and National innovation" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the 70th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Jahan Zhanbolovich Moldabekov
Venue: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Philosophy and Political Science, conference room, 3rd floor
Date: 10:00 a.m., November 9, 2013
Organizers: Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, Department of Philosophy and Political Science
Contact telephone: (727) 2925717 ext. 2125, 2124
E-mail: gabit_24@mail.ru; asemm81@mail.ru
November 9, 2013 is the 70th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, academician of Social Sciences Academy of Kazakhstan and academician of International Academy of Akmeology Sciences (St. Petersburg) Zhahan Zhanbolovich Moldabekov.
Professor Jahan Zhanbolovich Moldabekov is author more than 600 scientific and popular publications. His works have been published in Russia, Poland, Spain, Turkey, South Korea. He developed a unique course "Kazakhtanu" and gives lectures in Kazakh and Russian languages. Jahan Moldabekov made a significant contribution to the development of education methodological bases and improving the instructional framework of liberal education in the Graduate School of Kazakhstan.
Jahan Zhanbolovich Moldabekov is the winner of presidential grant for his outstanding contributions to science (2008-2010 years), "The best teacher of the university" in 2010 and Laureate of Ibray Altynsarin National Prize.
The conference is organized in the context of the research project "Bar Kazakh - bіr Kazakh": religious and cultural aspects.
For discussion put forward the following questions:
- Kazakhtanu as cultural and historical paradigm;
- Traditional and individual sources of intellectual culture;
- National innovation to strengthen Kazakhstan patriotism;
- Kazakhstan's way of development and spiritual renewal.
The conference was attended by prominent scientists, among them members of academic and research centers, professors and university teachers from Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, the United States, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey and the Arab Republic of Egypt.